Luz side story: The quest for forgiveness.

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It was another beautiful day in the boiling isles where the birds were chirping right before getting eaten by something bigger. In the kitchen of the owl house humming was heard and the sound of cooking. At the stove luz was wearing an apron she found with a little heart on the front. She was cooking up some bacon on one pan and cooking eggs on the other, while on the metal tray she was flipping pancakes. The sound of yawning was heard making luz smile as started putting food on some of the plates. Entering the kitchen was eda with king hitching a ride on her hair. Upon entering eda raised an eyebrow "wait a minute, Luz? Your cooking?" Eda said yeah, c'mon eda sit down I'm almost done "Oooh yes!" King eagerly said as he jumped out of eda's hair and made his way to his seat "breakfast served right as you wake up! I think some of my traits of royalty are starting to catch back up!" Yeah, I don't think so eda replied back cutting down his confidence as luz gave them there plates and started digging in.

Mmm, this is pretty good "yes it is! I should make you my personal chef!" King said as he was happily eating making luz laugh a little "yeah that'll be the day" she saids before putting down a plate that was full of pancakes, with plenty strands of bacon and a little bit of eggs on the side. Ultimately it was one big plate "whoa... *Eda was surprised at how good it was but this made her stop eating* luz did you like, sneak into my mind or something?" No why? Luz asked as she sat down to eat joining them "because making this many pancakes in the morning, is exactly how I served orion's breakfast until I taught him how to cook for himself. Which is something that I am proud of myself with *gained a teasing smirk* oh I'm starting to get what's going on here" what are you talking about? "You are trying to put a move on my boy aren't you?" WHAT?! No no no that is not what I'm trying to do here, I just thought that...Maybe I could whip up something for him like you know how friends do? "Oh really like how you and orion were in the same bed cuddling together while you sleep?" *Luz's face froze in shocked upon hearing those words* Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Hold on you saying luz actually slept with orion? King said in a surprised tone "h-how did you know about that?!" oh you see when I check up on Orion to see is he's okay and it just so happens that I caught the two of you snuggling together, also I took evidence *eda shows luz the picture of her and orion cuddling together peacefully sleeping* you took that while we're asleep! Luz said as she tries to take the picture from eda but she kept luz back with one hand and stuff the picture back into her hair and on que orion walked right into the kitchen.

Morning mom "Morning Starchild". Eda greeted back. Morning king "Morning!" King replied. Good morning. *Luz tries to greet him back but he ignored her as you he to the fridge to pour himself a drink. She was getting nervous* uh...I made you breakfast "hmm? *Turnd and saw the plate* oh thanks *using hid magic, he made the plate float and hover that follow him to the exit of kitchen*" wait aren't you gonna join us? Eda asked in a mouth full "nah, I don't think so, I'm just gonna be in my room for a while. There's something I need to check out" orion said before leaving making luz sigh as she put her right knuckle underneath her chin as she started eating. After he was gone, eda and king looked at luz "you two still haven't talked?" The owl lady questioned "no we haven't..." Luz answer sadly "he only said those three words and done" seriously? It's been like what? Two days now? King commented. Geez he rarely gets mad I can't remember the last time he was like this "does this had to do with what happen to owlbert?" Eda asked since that afterwards luz told her mentor to try and be honest with her while also hoping she'd probably give her a much lighter punishment. But in the end eda was fine with it and gave luz a list of chores for her to do as fair punishment which luz was okay with. But after with what happened, orion haven't been talking to luz at all.

Luz nodded her head. Did you apologize? "I did, he forgave me of what happened but I think with what happened two days ago was probably like the straw for him or something" luz said eda frowns for minute before swallowing down the last of her pancake "wait her for a second" she exited out of the kitchen for a moment and came back with pictures in her hand "I'm not trying add more salt to the wound but, there's a reason why he's acting like this" *eda gave luz the photos. In the photo was orion as an infant wearing a little yellow pjs with star patterns and he was hugging owlbert who had it's eyes closed indicating that he was enjoying it the attention.* Awww... He looks so wittle... Luz said in a baby talk seeing how little he was back then but looking at the other picture with orion sleeping in his baby crib while cuddling with owlbert but there was also another bird cuddling him, sleeping on his right was a little black sharp-shinned hawk "what's with the other bird?" *Eda leans in to look* oh that, that's andrew's palisman, boris "wait, you mean that palisman that orion been keeping and it belongs to him?" Yep. Most of us always had palisman, from an ancient trees, andrew made boris from dead oak wood "dead oak?" It's a really rare type of palistrom tree that only live up for five days eda said so... What your saying is that I practically hurt something that's part of his memory about his dad.... *Luz soon realizing what she has done and laying her face down onto the table* oh no... What am I gonna do?" *Eda put a hand on her shoulder* look kid, I'll try to help you out with this "really?" Mm-hm. Luz, listen I know my boy, and when I talked to him he'll let my words sink into him. Why don't you go out and clear your head a little before trying to talk to him again? *Luz pondered into thought for a moment before speaking up* "I guess I could. Yeah, that might be exactly what I need. Right after breakfast.

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