The forger of the dimensional scissors (Lemon Chapter )

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After breaking Pony head out St. Olga's school for wayward princesses and causing a huge prison riot, now it was back to be normal as we see Orion who was still sleeping in his bed, that is until something climbs on his bed and started licking his face. The owl mage started to slowly open his eyes and saw what's licking him, to his sight was his lovable little pet Pochita

*A/N: Somewhere in the past Orion decided to brink his plushy pochita to life with the power of the peacock miraculous. He always wanted to have a pet like him, not only that but he also brought some of the other plushies to life so that Pochita could have friends with.*

Oh hello pochita Orion said as he sits up and Pochita hops down and shows Orion a dog leash asking him he wants to go for a walk. Oh, walking. is that what you want? "(Woof!)" (Sigh) alright *Orion got dressed and put the leash on Pochita's collar*. Once he and Pochita got down stairs heads straight towards the front door "hey mom gonna take Pochita for a walk!" Orion said seeing that Eda was in the kitchen but upon hearing what her son said she immediately rush over to the living room "now wait Orion it's--" *When Orion opens the door he was meet with a raging boiling rain storm outside which is like a hurricane*.

After that Orion sat down at the couch. Sorry starchild but the weather say that it's going to be raining all day. So nobody is going out "greeeat but how am I suppose to walk Pochita now?" Orion ask nothing really but you better use to the indoors again Eda said as went back to the kitchen. After she left Orion looks towards Pochita seeing he was whimpering that he really wants for a walk. Sorry Pochita there's nothing we can do about the storm beside stay indoors... Or would we?

Cut to Star room we her and Luz were playing indoor tennis as Star whacks the tennis ball with her racket and Luz hits the ball back with her racket "man this was a great idea luz!" Star said while keeping track on the ball "I know I always wanted to play tennis with someone and boy is this fun!" Luz said before Orion comes into the room and saw the girls playing tennis, then he sees the scissors on the dresser "hey Star I'm borrowing your scissors for a bit!" Orion said yeah sure whatever Star said as Orion grabs them and just he was about to leave "(wait when did we get a tennis court?)" He thought.

Orion returns to his room where Pochita was waiting. Alright who's ready for a walk? Orion said as the little chainsaw pup barks happily, then Orion opens a portal allowing Pochita to hop on the other side then Orion created a clone of himself and gave the leash to him "alright just take Pochita around the park and then signal me when your done" okay! The second Orion said as he takes the pup for a walk.

There problem solve... Orion said as he looks at the dimension scissors "Hmm..."

In the underground city we see Meteora who was finished working out she went into the kitchen to get her favorite energy drink, as she pop one open she suddenly saw a portal opened up inside the fridge and a hand took one of the energy drinks leaving her all confused.

Back in Orion room he pops the energy drink and chugs it down. (Satisfying sigh).

In the human world at a fast food restaurant a cashier presents a takeout bag at the drive-thru window. Here you go. *sees nobody* Hmm? Sir?

A portal opens in front of the cashier, and Orion's hand reaches through to take his food from her. Then he reaches through again to give the cashier some money. In his bedroom, Orion eats a hamburger. Camera zooms out to show he's surrounded by twelve dimensional portals. He sticks his foot through one of the portal which is connected to the beach and wiggles his toes in the sand. Two little kids making a sandcastle nearby look at Orion's foot with shock.

Oh man this magic tool is the best! I wonder what else I can go to? *When he try to sniff open a portal, when he did, it suddenly open a portal but this was different from the others. This was completely on fire like a swirling vortex of flames*. Huh that's new Orion said but just as he was about to do anything something came out of the portal and pulled him right through.

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