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Days has passed after the incident at the owl house during the boiling rain storm everything went back to normal as we see Eda Orion Luz and King were at the market with their tent. Luz was reading the good witch azura book with king "emboldened by the dishonor hecate had shown, azura lifted her staff to the cotton candy skies and shouted 'I challenge you to a witches duel!' And look I drew a flip book *luz flips the corner of the book while making a laser sound effect*" show it the picture "what?" Show me the picture! King said repeated his request and luz granted him it showing him it "hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the king of artists" wait I thought you were the king of demons, are you just making things up now? "Yes he is" orion chimed in "doesn't matter! What's important is that my followers would leave me offering in fear of me!" Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book luz said offering king until they hear the mother groaned out loud in annoyance "please stop reading that! It's flowery language is an insult to witches warlocks and mages alike and it's driving away all of our serious customers! Eda said swatting her lightly with the feather duster.

Mom I get that were your going with this but just one problem... What customers? Orion said motioned his mother that street market was completely empty no tents, no people, no nothing except for the tumbleweed that rolls by.

He's right, there aren't benders around where is everyone? Luz questioned this is a bad omen something terrible is happening "luz, orion something amazing is happening today!" Gus said with willow running up to them on que. Gus! Willow! Hey! Luz said greeted to her new found friends "oh hey you two, what's this amazing thing happening? Orion question her "It's the annual covention! *Held up a flier* student witches and mages get to see all types of covens before they're placed in one. There's also gonna be a mystery guess this year! Willow said excitedly pointing at the two words at the bottom of the flier. A job fair for magic users! Eda can we go? *Luz leans up against her mentor* "absolutely not!" Eda answer making luz groan sliding to the ground with a thud "I never join a coven for a reason, Sure it's like a little fun club for witches but you also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system!" Mmm... *Willow hums giving into thoughts* "eh but you know, no judge" tsk don't worry about it. It ain't their fault for being blind to the truth, Plus what reason do I wanna go? It's not like I want to join any of them either orion said see even my boy gets it, but in any case, I never been into one since we we're little girls-- "We?" I-- the-- I mean-- "who's 'we'? You have a mysterious past! Now we got to go!" No "orion back me up here" luz ask innocently with puppy dog eyes "sorry luz but I'm on mom's side on this one" fine you leave me no choice *luz motion king's que to start reading the book out loud* "oh no..." Orion silently breathed out as the torturing begins "You shall not shan't doeth no more harm," Azura callethed out... *Continues reading* So flowery, so awful eda said while orion summon two small abominations that help pluged up his ears as ear muffs smiling in content glad he didn't have to hear king. As for eda using the portal door and stepping through it "Hecate could only screech, screech as did she, for the screeching did worseneth *Luz tosses King through the Portal as it closes. It opens a second later, Eda coming back through with King sitting on her head.*" Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything to stop this!

Minutes later they arrive at the convention center making eda groan loudly bridge of her nose as the owl lady looks at her son giving him a flat look.

Hey you literally did say "anything" so this is on you orion said don't remind me...Now help me out here *eda attempted to put on her cowl but thou to the amount of hair she has, it was difficult. Orion let out a sigh as he help her out* got to keep a low profile *using his magic he got it over her head while luz grunts stuffing the rest of eda's hair into her cowl* "is this cowl really necessary?" Luz asked uh, yes, it is orion answer as he put on his black bamboo hat and cloak for extra measure "you thing all our wanted posters are for petty theft? *Numerous small objects fall out of her hair*" no just mainly you orion said "okay so I do all the thieving, But the big whammy is that me and my husband disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven and for not taking my kid to school. If I'm seen, I could go to jail. Again." And lets just make sure this time, that won't happen orion added with a hint of annoyance in his voice "maybe this informative event will inspire you both to join a coven willow said to them only for eda to make a small spell circle pulling the hood over her face "sorry willow but that ain't happening" orion said pulling it off of her "lets just get this over with" eda said very much not thrilled with this whole ordeal going on.

The Dark Prince of The Owl House (Male OC x Harem)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt