Through the Looking Glass Ruins

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It was another normal day in Bonesborrow after the whole owl beasts rampage from last week. Orion was in complete shock when his mom, Luz, and Star told him that he nearly burn the whole city into the ground. And for that week he's been bedridden in his room, Eda would stay beside him incase he needed something and to looks after him making sure he's okay.

Luz and Star continue to study in hexside and bring homework for Orion when they get back.

As for now inside of Hexside's halls we see Gus sitting against the locker with his face buried between his knees. And that's when Luz and Star walk up to him. "Hey Gus, you okay?" Luz asked I—I messed up bad, you guys. "What happen?" Star asked. Well, Willow just needed some help with this pixie problem, right? So I thought, oh, that I'll lure them away with an illusion. But then... "It only made them angrier, and they attack Willow. Yeah we heard." Ugh! I moved up two grades. What's the point of being good at this if I can't do anything good with it?" Gus said exaggerating. "It was a rookie mistake, Besides, Willow's tough girl. I'm sure you'll both be feeling better tomorrow" Star said

*The next day*

We now see Gus laying on the floor of his bedroom face first while groaning with muffle sounds. Then beside his bed. His crystal ball caws and beeps. It shows a prerecorded message of King. "[I'm not reading this]" King said. [Come on please] Gus said. [Ugh, fine. (Clears throat) Is that a six-footed pig or a floating appendage? Why, no! *Gus, wearing a cape, hops on screen* It's Gus the Illusion Master. Please leave a message.

The video turns to Willow, her arm in a cast and several bandages on her face. [Hey, Gus. Thanks for sending me all those "Get well soon" illusions but, uh...] *Three tiny illusions of Gus jump onto her shoulders and head* (Willow! How are you feeling? Do you have a fever?/Willow, you want me to sing for you? Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi.../Willow, is this helping?) [Can you please take them back?] Willow said wanting this to stop.

Gus groans. The crystal ball shuts off. He rolls onto his stomach and traces a spell circle, summoning his illusions in front of him. (Where's Willow?/Why are we here?/Did we do bad?) *Gus blows the illusions away. Someone knocks on a door. Cut to Gus opening the front door to find Luz as she raise her fist* "Gustopher! *Finger points* Gusteban! *Leans on the doorframe* Augustabeth! Any of those working for you?" ...You need my library card to visit Amity, don't you? Gus asked. (Laughs self-consciously) I haven't been doing a good job of hiding that, huh? *Gus shakes his head* Well, I was also hoping to do a little bit of... research! Come on! Luz said as she drags Gus out of the house as he screamed.

When they walked out of the empty street they meet up with Orion who was leaning back against the corner. "Hey Gus" he said. Oh, hey Orion. How are you feeling? Gus asked. Eh pretty good "you sure?... Not after the...Owl beast incident?" *Orion freezes as memories glitches through his mind as he partly remember of his demon owl beast burning the city and the people who were screaming being burned alive before going back to normal*.

Uh... We don't want to talk about that, it really mess up his mind after we told about that. Luz whispered to Gus's ear making cringe after realizing what he said. "ooh... Right, sorry" no no it's fine it's... Fine... Anyways lets walk.

Now we see the trios walking through the streets of Bonesborough. 

Okay so here's what I know. So, Eda's mom told me I'm not the first human to have lived in Bonesborough. If that's true, then there might be some info on how they got here in the library! Luz said. Yeah hopefully it will tell us more on how to make another portal door. Orion said. Yeah, okay. Looking through old newspapers is about all I'm good for anyway. Gus said in a down tone which made the duo stop and look at him. "Okay something's up what's wrong?" Orion asked. I—I've just been thinking. What if it's time for me to explore different kinds of magic? "I'm all for trying new things, but what's wrong with illusions?" Luz said. Illusions are just know— (ROOOAAAARRRR!) *Suddenly down on the street below, the trio looked down and saw the Animal Control tries and fails to subdue a Slitherbeast.* "hey. isn't that the Slitherbeast from the knee, what's it doing all the way down here?" Luz questioned. But also below there was Braxas who was walking the street holding a balloon in his hand. "Yay! Huh?" *The Slitherbeast charges towards Braxas. Just when the owl mage was about to do something until suddenly out of nowhere, two boys wearing uniforms from a different school to jump in front of him*. The first has shade of light brown skin. He has short and spiky dark purple hair, light purple-pink eyes, and a chin that tapers to the point. He has a mole near the left side of his mouth.

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