Motherly punishment (lemon chapter)

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After Yesterday's fiasco with Amity's mother, now everything is back to normal as Luz Willow and Gus are now unbanned from hexside.

We see Orion and Luz riding on the abomination horse as made a full stop in front of the school as you can see they were pretty for the first period of class ever since last night at the blight industry factory, they were so tired that Luz slept through the whole morning after being a test dummy for the blight's inventions.

Man I can't believe I overslept actually overslept the entire morning! Luz said yeah well what did you expect, you were literally fighting for your own life against an abomiton Orion said as the two get off of the horse as it melts, then they headed into one of the secret doors outside of the school and entered. They are now inside the tower of doors "okay see you in lunch period Luz" yeah see ya later too *just when Orion was about to head into his first period class* wait, Orion! There's something I have to tell you "what is it?" He turned around and saw she was smiling and had her hands shaped like a heart "I love you. Bye" He in returned smiled back as they both went through the doors.

Time skip to the cafeteria we see Orion and luz are having lunch with Gus and Willow seeing how happy they are being back in hexside. Man I can't tell ya how good it is to be back in hexside my old club members of the H.A.S. Totally missed me after my expulsion Gus said and I'm so happy being back in the plant coven class I miss all the planting willow said. I know well I'm just glad that everything is back the way they are luz said smiling.

That is until a large stags of books feel onto the table seeing that it was Amity and Emira who dropped them, then they sat down the four saw the baggy eyes on the sisters faces looking like they haven't had a sleep all night "ew, what's up with you two?" Orion asked I'll tell you Edric said sitting beside him even he has baggy eyes as well.

Mom has not been happy after Amity interrupted the abomiton 2.O attacking Luz and you destroying it with your dog thing now mom is doubling our school works and she also order Emira to stop talking and seeing you Edric said. What? "I know it such so awful! Emira dramatically said as she flop towards The owl mage as he caught her, holding her in his arms "how am I suppose live on without my prince? "Geez, Emira he still be here, it not like the end of the world" Amity said seeing her sister being a drama queen. Well that's no good, what if I talk to her? Luz asked Luz did you forget that Odalia nearly got you killed? "Oh yeah no you're right".

After the whole day in school Orion had a little talk with Amity and Emira in the tower of doors. So there's literally nothing I can do to make change Odalia's mind? He asked Nope nothing. Even if she did, she wouldn't listen to reasons the thing we can do now is to wait until this whole thing blow over Amity said. 

Orion began of a plan to get their mother to let them have more freedom in their lives until an Idea pop into his head. Say, girls. Doesn't your mom take a break from her work? "Only once a day, why?" Because I think it's give Odalia a sweet break she'll never for get. What do you say ladies~~... You want in? Orion as his glowed hot pink which triggered amity and emira's womb tattoos "yes master~~/yes master~~" they said as the camera looked at their shadow as they began to sprout devil wings, horns, and fail.

*Blight manor late at night*

We see odalia walking into her office where amity said she wanted to talk.

Amity, I'm here. What is it that you want to talk about? Odalia asked but once she's in, she saw that there was nobody inside "Amity, Amity? Where are you?" She looks around in her office and no one "(annoying groan) I swear if this is some kind of foolish prank I'm gonna-- *Suddenly without Odalia knowing. Two silhouettes snuck up behind her, one covered her eyes, and the second covered her mouth but it was hold a white cloth in it's hand which is coated with chloroform as Odalia began to fall asleep*.

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