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☆ 85. Chapter 85: Nonsense

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Chapter 85: Nonsense


Qin slapped his chopsticks on the table with a loud "snap", which was like thunder and drum beating in the quiet room. He was so frightened that the shrimps on Su Ruoyan's chopsticks fell into the plate.

Shrinking his neck, Father Qin got angry, which was really scary.

Qin Chengyu patted Su Ruoyan's hand and told him not to be afraid. The old man had a bad temper, but his anger was always targeted and would not expand the area or involve others.

He drank calmly and calmly towards his target, drinking one 450ml bottle of liquor in the blink of an eye, which made everyone present frown.

"Bo Yu, stop drinking." The old lady stopped her husband who was about to grab the bottle and said seriously.

Qin Boyu smiled nonchalantly and said, "Mom, you had the same tone when you locked me in the room. You were serious and instructive. In your eyes, I am just an ignorant child, and I am always wrong in everything I do." You look at me like you hate steel, I'm going to suffocate. The same is true for career, and so is family. If you like the same sex and it doesn't meet the secular requirements, you just break us up. Haha, my eldest brother likes literature but not martial arts, so you let him join the army. ; The second brother likes freedom and dislikes restraint, but you let him engage in scientific research; the younger sister likes that boy from the Zhang family, but because her parents have done something wrong, you let her marry the person you like, and respect each other as ice as ice is what you want. "Yes."

"That's enough." Qin You said in a deep voice.

Qin Boyu was obviously not ready to shut up. He poured the wine from the bottle and ejaculated twice. After a drop or two came out, he threw the bottle to the ground. The ground was covered with thick carpet, and the bottle made a dull sound when it fell to the ground. There was a sound, and it rolled twice according to inertia and then stopped. Qin Boyu was totally prepared to stay drunk tonight. After drinking one bottle, he bent over and took out the second bottle from the ground. He opened the bottle and poured the wine in one go, "I have been troubled by rumors about my adopted son since I was a child. You know, but I have never They didn't comfort or comfort him, nor did they stop the rumors outside, and allowed outsiders to make irresponsible remarks."

"Stop talking." After being questioned repeatedly, the old couple trembled, and they didn't know whether they were sad or angry. Yes, it should be the latter. Qin Boyu is their eldest son. He has been smart and studious since he was a child. He has grown up with their expectations. They hope that he can become an upright man, become the support of their family, and lead the Qin family further. Much higher.

This is also true. Before Qin Boyu's junior year, everything was growing according to the couple's expectations. As graduation approached, they both began to look for girls with good family background, good looks, excellent character, and excellent academic performance for their son. But later The direction has changed. The eldest son, who had always been sensible and obedient, began to rebel. He actually hung around a boy and showed his attentiveness, and all kinds of rumors were spread privately.

At that time, in that social atmosphere, Qin Boyu's doing so was no less than ending his political career in advance.

Qin Yousheng and his wife did what almost every parent in the world would do. For the sake of their son, they isolated their son from seeing that boy. They thought that as long as they didn't meet, their relationship would slowly fade away and everything would get back on track. .

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