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☆ 57. Chapter 57: Happy Birthday

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Chapter 57: Happy Birthday.

The meat of peach blossom fish is tender and sweet. Whether it is braised, steamed, stewed or fried, the taste is long and delicious, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

In the past, the number of catches was small. In order to maximize the umami flavor of the whole fish, most people chose to cook it by stewing it. Even if a palm-sized fish is boiled in a large pot of soup, its deliciousness will not be reduced at all. After simmering, the fish meat is scattered in the soup. Use this soup to add noodles, which is luxurious and delicious.

A large number of peach fish suddenly spewed out from the long-dried spring in Taoyuan. The hotel staff waited at the mouth of the spring to catch one or two hundred fish and sent them to the kitchen.

The chef in the back kitchen is a national-level chef hired by the resort with a high salary. He has the standard appearance of a chef. There is no movement on his hands to catch the flexible peach fish in his hand. He looked at the fish carefully, nodded repeatedly and clucked his tongue, "This fish is really good, good, very good. Big head, pick up the frying pan, let me make one and try it."

Cai Guangyuan, nicknamed Big Head, responded and picked up a fish. Putting the pot on the fire and pouring in refined soybean oil, he tried his best to find ways and connections and finally stayed as a chef in a resort hotel. However, he found that he, a half-time cook, was nothing compared to regular chefs. He used to be able to cook a big pot of rice. Nowadays, there is a lot to learn about small pots and stoves. Following the chef's instructions, I opened the oil pan and saw that the chef only cleaned the peach fish, without removing the scales or disemboweling the internal organs. He directly wiped off the surface moisture with a dry towel and put it into the oil pan.

"f coin spring taobao one ㄓ 闼 spoon beat Huan Liao butcher 婩嫏鏏鏏揩揩毉 ∮ 闵恚渫烊抔恔捅Huishan 鸹粕br />

take it out, empty it out, drain the oil and put it on a fine white plate. The chef took a pair of chopsticks and skillfully tore off the skin of the fish, tore a slit in the belly of the fish, inserted the chopsticks into it and stirred it, and the internal organs were pulled out. Cai Guangyuan, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but be speechless. He was so good at eating.

The chef simply sprinkled some fine salt on the fish and picked some fish meat into his mouth, tasting it carefully. He was speechless for a long time. Cai Guangyuan could

n't help but think in his heart, peach blossom fish has long been famous in this generation, and everyone said It is a delicious food. Once you catch one, you can show it off for a long time. Is it possible that such a fish cannot be loved by the chef? The chef is a chef from the capital who is good at cooking southern dishes. I heard that he is a native of the old city and has left the country. After living apart from each other for decades, he probably saw a lot and ate a lot, and his taste has become sophisticated and picky.

Unexpectedly, the chef's eyes were filled with tears, and he burst into tears, which made Cai Guangyuan jump and the entire kitchen. Quietly, everyone looked at Cai Guangyuan who was closest to the chef. Cai Guangyuan waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't know what the situation was. The

chef shed tears and said, "It tastes the same as in memory. It's so delicious. It made everyone laugh. This kind of fish itself is fresh, and the simplest and most crude preparation will not destroy its deliciousness, but you must pay attention to the heat and do not cook it casually just because the ingredients are good. I want to talk to the manager. The peach blossom fish must be maintained in long-term supply and become the main dish of our hotel. "

✓ Plant peaches with uncleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum