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☆ 61. Chapter 61: Secret Photography

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Chapter 61:

The shelducks secretly photographed in the old city are not very big, with small frames, tender meat, and little fishy smell. Old ducks that are more than two years old are best for making soup, and ducks that are several months old are best for roasting. The best choice for making sesame oil duck is about one year old. Sesame oil duck is a specialty of the old city. There are vacuum-packaged ducks. Anyone who comes to the old city will take one or two boxes with them when they leave. They can unpack them when they go home and eat them.

But the serious locals in the old city don't like the smell of vacuum packaging. The best sesame oil duck is made in the delicatessen at the market entrance on the street. It's made and sold on the same day. A duck costs a hundred dollars. Most people buy half of them and take them home. Those who have a banquet at home take a few of them home to make cold dishes. They are definitely high-end.

Sesame oil duck is very particular about the quality of the duck. It must be local shelduck that is about one year old. The frozen duck will definitely not taste like this. If a sesame oil duck only costs about ten yuan, it is definitely fake.

Because he was going out the next day, Su Ruoyan bought five ducks from the delicatessen in Xiantao Town. The store was located next to the vegetable market. It had a small facade and a small signboard. It looked the same as other stores, but it had This is an old shop with a history of over 50 years. The duck smells delicious when you hold it in your hand.

I also went to the specialty supermarket in the city and bought ten boxes of sesame oil duck in gift boxes. Both are given as gifts. There is a difference between closeness and distance. Those who are close to me will be given freshly made ones, and others will be given gift boxes. If a person carries duck, it will be close to him. People can enjoy it, and let Qin Chengyu decide how to give it away.

We took a 9 a.m. flight to HS City. When we got there, it was already dinner time. Qin Chengyu took Su Ruoyan directly to a time-honored noodle shop and ordered the most famous noodles and eel noodles here.

"The toppings in the store are all freshly made. The first time I came here was to attract investment in this area, but I didn't get any investment. I went directly to this store to order under the hot summer sun and my stomach was growling. A bowl of eel noodles that is the most ordered, it is the most delicious noodle I have ever eaten. I order it every time I come here, but the same craftsmanship never tastes the same." While waiting for the noodles to arrive, Qin Chengyu and Su Ruo Yan told an interesting story about how he discovered this store. At that time, he was just starting out but encountered obstacles at every turn. The sun was so hot that he was almost charred, but he found that he didnt even have fifteen yuan in his pocket, and he couldnt even eat a meal at a nearby fast food restaurant. It must be more than fifteen.

I was hungry and smelled the aroma of noodles, so I followed my nose to this noodle shop. The two-story store looked a little old, and there was a layer of grease on the chopping board outside, which didn't look very hygienic. But the prices in this kind of shop are cheap. A bowl of big steak noodles is 13, and a bowl of eel noodles is 12. Qin Chengyu spent all his money and ordered a bowl of eel noodles.

The freshly made toppings and freshly beaten noodles were eaten in the mouth and soothed the soul. At that time, the young Qin Chengyu almost finished the meal with red eyes.

After eating, he continued to run projects and attract investment... and finally turned Hengyuan into a nationally renowned construction company.

Qin Chengyu has been here many times since then, but the taste in his mouth is no longer the same as that time with the bitterness, fatigue, hard work and unwillingness. There are no mixed flavors, and the taste of the noodles has become simple and unpretentious, but it is what Qin Chengyu feels in his heart. A past that cannot be let go.

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