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☆ 9. Chapter 009: Fate

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Chapter 009: Mingshuang

Taolin Town is located in a remote area with difficult roads. The Taoyuan soil is poor, the quality of the fruit trees is poor, and it is also covered with the haze of disaster. Therefore, the contract price is only 150 yuan per acre. Originally, the village chief wanted to delay After raising the price, Mr. Lin scolded him before letting Su Ruoyan contract the contract at a suitable price, but he asked for a one-time payment of seventy years of contract fees.

The contract price for thirty acres of land per year is 4,500 yuan, which may not seem like much, but it adds up to a big number over seventy years. Add in 15 yuan for a peach tree and 40 peach trees per acre, and the price of peach trees is For 18,000, Su Ruoyan's seemingly large savings suddenly lost half of it, and the remaining 300,000 had to be carefully planned.

I was scribbling in my notebook and didn't realize it was dark outside. I only realized it when my stomach growled with hunger. The light in the old house was still a light bulb hanging from the beam, and there was a light rope hanging next to it. Su Ruoyan grabbed the rope and pulled it, and the light came on. The light bulb was changed when my uncle came the year before last. The light bulb became dull over time. The lights were dim, and when turned on they illuminated the staleness of the room.

"The house must be renovated so that it can be lived in for a long time. The living environment must be good." Su Ruoyan looked up at the dim lamp and muttered. If the money around him is not enough, he should first ask his cousin to borrow some for emergency purposes.

Moving to the kitchen, there was a gas stove placed on an old table in the kitchen. Su Ruoyan asked Lin Zhiming to fill up the gas tank before going up the mountain. He asked him to use the old stove to light a fire for cooking. It would be better to boil a pot of water to make noodles.

Su Ruoyan knew how to cook. She gradually learned how to cook home-cooked dishes while helping her grandma. She stir-fried a cocoon in a frying pan, opened a bag of pickled mustard, and the rice porridge in the rice cooker was also ready.

"Hey, why does it smell so fragrant!" Su Ruoyan opened the rice cooker, and the tangy smell came directly to his nose. He had never smelled such a good porridge aroma. The rice his mother bought last year was said to be special rice. The cooked rice porridge is not so fragrant.

He filled a bowl and couldn't wait to put it into his mouth. The tip of Su Ruoyan's tongue was so hot that it hurt, "Hiss, it's so hot, so hot, but it tastes good." He puffed up his cheeks and blew a few mouthfuls, then took a small sip along the edge of the bowl and tasted it. The temperature was just right, so I started eating with big mouthfuls. Before I knew it, I had eaten a large bowl of rice porridge. Su Ruoyan served himself another bowl, and after drinking less than half of the bowl, he slowed down, "Why does it taste so good?"

Su Ruoyan took a chopstick and put the cocoon in his mouth. The simple stir-fried cocoon tasted very good. He was ordinary His home-cooking skills seemed to have suddenly improved to the level of a three-star Michelin chef.

After careful consideration of the reasons before and after, the only difference is that the water used is different. He uses Lingquan water when making porridge and cooking. Su Ruoyan raised his right hand. As long as he thought about it, clear water would come out of the shallow peach-shaped mark on his hand. Let it come out faster, faster, slower, slower, and more. Just give in to the more and get the less, completely relying on the control of his mind.

"I will also be a master of cooking in the future." Su Ruoyan put away his hands and said with a smile, turned to face the outside and said, "Thank you Peach Tree."

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