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☆ 3. Chapter 003: Peach from the sky

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Chapter 003: Tianshanglai Tao's

house is located in the back of the village, almost at the end of the village road. The courtyard wall is made of scattered bluestones found on Daqing Mountain. It is not high. Su Ruoyan is 1.73 meters tall. Standing next to the courtyard wall, you can still show your head. There are moss and vines growing on the walls of the courtyard. Those vines are wild roses. Around May, the roses bloom one after another and are very beautiful.

The yard is divided into front and back yards. The front yard is vast. The area near the entrance of the yard is opened for planting some crops. The soil near the house is compacted and paved with green bricks. An old well is dug at the intersection of the two places. The well water It's sweet. Su Ruoyan always eats water from the well when she comes here, and doesn't even drink tap water.

After the front yard is the old house. It is a long house with a main room in the middle. There are two rooms on the left and right, which are the main house and the secondary house. The main house is in the east and the secondary house is in the west. Next to the second house is the kitchen. This kind of old house was the most common in rural areas of the old city in the past, but it is rare to see it now. Standing outside, you can still see the raised cornices. Because the Lin family used to be ordinary people, there were no cornice beasts on the cornices. Because no one came to live there, weeds grew on the green tiles, and the withered grass eyelashes of this season stood straight up to the sky.

You can go around the house to the backyard, or you can go out through the back door of the main room. There is still a utility room and a dry toilet in the backyard. The lack of modern toilets is the most unbearable thing for Su Ruoyan. He plans to wait until he is completely settled. It's terrible to hire people to come over to renovate the house and improve the water supply and sewage system, and then make him squat in a dry toilet every day.

The world without glasses is full of magic, but Su Ruoyan doesn't have much time to see the world with naked eyes now. His right hand is dripping with water!

Yes, that's what it means literally. Water kept coming out of the tiger's mouth on his right hand, dripping and dripping.

Waking up in the afternoon was an earth-shaking change for Su Ruoyan. His traumatic high myopia was inexplicably cured. Then, there was a peach-shaped mark on the palm of his right hand. It was very light pink and almost blended with the skin. In one piece, Su Ruoyan wouldn't have been able to notice it if it weren't for the constant water emerging there.

Su Ruoyan checked his hand over and over, but nothing changed except for an extra mark that would make water appear. He couldn't help but touch his stomach with his left hand. All the strange phenomena appeared after swallowing the peach core, the inexplicable snooze, the inexplicable recovery of vision, the inexplicable mark...

"Fuck!" Su Ruoyan cursed, these are all What's going on? Who can tell him why?

Obviously, there was no one to answer the question for him, so he still had to find the answer himself.

His eyes moved to the bonsai peach he brought back, and suddenly he felt blessed. Su Ruoyan took a few steps forward and squatted down, reaching his right hand to the root of the bonsai peach. Sure enough, everything was related to the peach tree. , stretched out his hand here, and the water that was dripping out suddenly turned into a small flow of water, and all of it was submerged into the dry roots.

The peach tree is more than 1.5 meters tall. The roots are growing tangled in the small flower pot, pushing out the soil. However, there is still not enough room for growth. The roots are arched up and exposed to the air. Because it has not been watered for a long time, the mud is dry and cracked, and the tree roots are dry and yellow, forming a sharp contrast with the lush canopy.

✓ Plant peaches with uncleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن