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☆ 39. Chapter 039: Cooperation

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Chapter 039:

The new batch of peaches from the Fumanduo Fruit Supermarket were sold out in one night. Lin Xing was one of the people who rushed to buy the peaches. He carried the peaches home. His daughter, who was about to enter her second year of high school, also just came back from school. He threw away his schoolbag and lay down on the sofa with a tired look. Looking at his daughter's pale face, he felt heartbroken, "Honey, why don't we go to school tomorrow? Take a day off and go to class before the cold is gone." , Im too tired.

How can that be done? The school is in formal classes now, and there is no tutoring. The first and second years of high school have to take three years of courses in school. If you miss a day, you cant keep up. My wife also said I feel very distressed. I cannot go to school for my daughter. I can only satisfy my daughter as much as possible in life.

The daughter waved softly on the sofa, her voice weak, "It's nothing, it will be fine by the end of the month. Mom, I have no appetite, I don't want to eat dinner." "

No, my resistance will be worse if I don't eat." The wife frowned , I dont agree with my daughters idea of ​​skipping dinner. Turning to look at her husband, "Old Lin, why did you come back so late today? I'm waiting for you to eat."

Lin Xing picked up the bag and said, "I went to Fumanduo to have a look and bought some peaches that the girl likes to eat. If you don't have a good appetite, let's get some peaches first."

"Why are they peaches? The box of peaches you bought last time is still hard after being stored for half a month. Who dares to eat them after being sprayed with medicine?"

Lin Xing also thought of it Looking at the box of peaches in his hand, he said, "Peel them first. If they are good, girl can eat them."

"Well, you can peel them for her. There are also sour beans and stewed potatoes in the pot. I'll get them."

Lin Xing I took a peach to wash. One peach weighs more than 400 grams and is very heavy. The skin is bright yellow with a beautiful crimson color, which makes people put it down. It is very beautiful. She took the fruit knife and plate and sat down on the sofa. She pressed the blade lightly on the peel. The peel opened and the juice slowly overflowed. The aroma of the fruit spread in the air along with the break. The girl sniffed and sat up straight. He stretched out his body and said, "Dad, it smells so good."

When he smelled the smell, he could not help but salivate in his mouth. It was not because of acidity, but because he was drooling from greed. Of course, the father held his daughter close first and quickly peeled off the peel. After peeling half of the peel, he cut a piece of pulp and handed it to his daughter. "Try it, little girl. If it tastes good, daddy will buy it."

The girl handed the fruit to her daughter. Putting it into his mouth, he narrowed his eyes and said with a look of intoxication, "Dad, that's great, you can eat it too. It's delicious, pure peach flavor." "

Hmm." Lin Xing also cut a small piece and sent it to him. His mouth was nodding in agreement, and he had no time to speak.

The wife also smelled the fruity aroma in the kitchen and couldn't help but come out of the kitchen, "Give me a piece too, it's so fragrant."

Su Ruoyan's fruit has become popular in a small area, and everyone who bought peaches today praised it. I impatiently picked up my bag and set off from home to Fumanduo. I wanted to buy more peaches, and I was waiting to buy them tomorrow. No matter what category they were, the peach fragrance left in my mouth tonight was moderate. However, even after brushing your teeth, there is still a faint fragrance in your mouth.

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