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☆ 31. Chapter 031: Peach Blossom Fish

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Chapter 031:

When Uncle Taohuayu answered the phone, a batch of small abalone from the coastal cities of Province G came over. The water quality along the coast of Province G is very good, and the quality of the seafood produced is also guaranteed. The goods coming back are wild threads. abalone. My second uncle's supply of goods is good. Before the goods arrive, there are many hotel buyers waiting nearby to grab the goods, as if they will leave empty-handed in the evening.

When Su Ruoyan called, the second uncle was looking through some other large lobsters that had been delivered. There was a restaurant from country M that specialized in lobster dishes, and he was also checking the situation of the lobsters with the second uncle.

"When will Xiaoyan come down the mountain? Second uncle has brought a lot of seafood here. They are all fresh and delicious when boiled in water."

Su Ruoyan nodded with a smile, "Second uncle, I will not go down the mountain these two days, but Brother, if he comes to my place later, I'll ask him to get it from you. I'm hungry for pens, so I'll ask him to bring some." You don't have to be so polite with your uncle.

"Jiguzi, we happen to have something useful. I'll ask Lin Yu to bring it to you later." Penguan Yu calls it "Jiguzi" in the local dialect of the old city. "Xiaoyan, how are your peaches?" Well, when they are ripe, our whole family will go to the mountains to play and pick peaches to eat."

"It will be ready in about another week. You can come over next weekend, and Fang Fang and Nana will also come over." Fang Fang and Na Na is a twin brother and sister from my second uncle's family, and she will be a senior in high school when she starts school. Of course, Su Ruoyan was not chatting with her second uncle on the phone this time, but to ask about Boss Zeng. After telling her about Boss Zeng, the fruit merchant, Su Ruoyan said, "Uncle, this person is not authentic. Look at me." He bullied me with a tender face and even threatened me when I left."

The second uncle put down the big lobster he was holding and frowned, "Old Zeng and I have been friends for many years. He is not this kind of person. The Zeng you met What does the boss look like?"

"Very fat." His facial features were all squeezed into the flesh, and his appearance was really indescribable.

"The old Zeng I know is a long-distance runner. He is 1.75 meters tall and never weighs more than 140." "

Then who did I see? I also talked to him on the phone several times. You gave me the phone number. That phone number, by the way, he said his name is Zeng Guoqiang."

The second uncle was also surprised, "I don't know anyone named Zeng Guoqiang. The fruit seller I introduced to you is named Zeng Guangfu." "

...Did I meet a liar?! "

Fortunately, no damage has been caused now. Don't worry. If he comes to you next time, just ignore him. I will ask Lao Zeng later to see if he knows this person named Zeng Guoqiang." "

Yes." Well, I got it, I've blocked his contact information."

After talking to his second uncle, he put the matter aside for the time being. Su Ruoyan squatted down and found it under the roots of a tree by the river. He tied the rope himself, untied the rope and started to pull the net. He originally bought this net from Uncle Zhiming, which was an ordinary fishing net. Uncle Zhiming's family didn't miss this one, so he gave it to Su Ruoyan directly.

Su Ruoyan would set a net in the river when nothing happened. Sometimes the catch was good enough to feed a person and a cat for several days. Sometimes the catch was bad, and even one small fish was not enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

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