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☆ 11. Chapter 011: New members

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Chapter 011: New member

Su Ruoyan stopped and walked out to look for her in the yard. The sound was quite close, it should be around the kitchen. Soon Su Ruoyan found a palm-sized little guy next to the roots of the peach tree. A calico cat cub was shivering in the wind, with its eyes closed and a milky cry coming from its mouth. The cry was weak. With the sound of the wind, it suddenly shattered in the wind, and the wind picked up in the afternoon.

The kitten was only one week old by visual inspection. Its small body was slightly dirty. Su Ruoyan held it so lightly that it was almost weightless. Its head hung softly in Su Ruoyan's hand. Its struggling movements were also very weak. Its eyes could only be opened, and it was covered. A grayish-blue layer, and the vision is not yet fully developed. Probably feeling safe in Su Ruoyan's hands, the struggling kitten calmed down and curled up into a small ball.

Su Ruoyan rummaged through her suitcase and found a long-haired soft towel. She also found a small box and spread the towel in the box to make a nest. The kitten was gently placed in the nest. Now is not the season for female cats to give birth to kittens. If the mother cat cannot take care of the kittens she accidentally gives birth to, she will abandon the weak babies. Whether these kittens survive depends on their own luck.

Xiao Sanhua was lucky enough to meet Su Ruoyan and made him a warm and comfortable nest, but where could he find goat milk powder and small bottles? In the city, he could find a pet hospital when he went out. In the village, he had to walk a few hundred meters to get there. Met a family.

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. I hope the spiritual spring water will have an effect on you. When I go down the mountain tomorrow to take you down the mountain to buy food, you can just follow me. From now on, it will be called milk cake." Su Ruoyan found a small Some spiritual spring water was put in the dish, and the small dish was brought to the nest and placed next to Nai Cao's head.

Su Ruoyan's plan was to keep a cat or a dog. Now that the cat took the initiative to appear beside him, he would keep it.

The attraction of spiritual spring water to living things is huge. Out of the instinct of survival, the weak kitten moved its head, closed its eyes and stretched out its pink and tender tongue to lick the water in the dish. The milk cake was so weak that I had to rest for a while after every two licks. After seven or eight licks, I stopped moving at all. I drank water until I was full.

Su Ruoyan stretched out her fingers and gently pressed Naopao's head. The soft hair seemed to be still wet from birth, and the soft and warm breasts could feel the pulsation of life. Su Ruoyan smiled, "Live well, I will raise you." You will live forever."

"Meow." Nai Cake called out at the right time, but her milky voice was stronger than before. This shows that the water from the spiritual spring has an effect on living things, but water is just water and cannot fill the stomach.

After Su Ruoyan ate her dinner, she put the box of milk cakes on the bed so that it would be easier to look after at night.

Su Ruoyan got up early the next morning, first made sure that the milk cake in the box was alive and well, then heated up the last two buns and ate them, then took the milk cake out. Today's weather is not very good. It is cloudy and windy. According to the weather forecast, the temperature has dropped again. It's February. The weather changes at any time. Yesterday it was clear and clear. Today there are thick clouds. If I didn't find milk cake yesterday, This young life depends on this weather.

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