Close Encounters But WE'RE The Aliens!?

Start from the beginning

"Don't rush into battle," Tenshinhan replied. "While very few races rival the technology of Capsule Corps, technology is much more widespread amongst most alien species. That means that this creature might possess technological enhancements that wouldn't be immediately transparent by sensing their Ki. Remember–technology emits no Ki signature."

"Right!" the students nodded in unison, adopting defensive stances and preparing to deal with this creature if it were to try some attack that causes widespread destruction.

The brown orb unraveled, revealing it to have been a defensive ball formation, similar to that of an armadillo. The emerging creature seemed to be a cross between an insect and a crustacean. Tenshinhan's suspicions proved to be correct, as the terrifying alien weapon had an armored underbelly, splitting off into six insectoid legs that could have belonged to a wholly different species. Above the technological lower half of the beast's body was a stout belly and chest and thick arms with snapping, crab-like pincers. The creature possessed a pair of ravenous pink eyes and a wide mouth stretching from one shoulder to the other. The monster's head appeared to mostly be grown inside its body, with only an incomplete protrusion suggesting of its presence.

The monster's head had a thick metallic plating over where its brains should have been. It had long and thick lines of wires sticking out from its spine, connecting directly to the concealed brain and the defensive armor plating protecting it. A likely necessity to keep the creature skittering its attached insectoid legs and snapping those pincers as effectively as if they were its own.

"That thing in its belly... Impossible!" Tenshinhan gasped, blanking out as he was staring at a gigantic One-Star Dragon Ball that would have matched the size of Earth's boulders.

Riding the static energy field of the white light beam, a short and slender alien humanoid of pale blue skin, wearing a tight, black, full-body bodysuit with a red checkmark logo at the center, white straps, and a gadget belt with a sizeable blaster attached to its hip as well. The shorty descended atop the shoulders of the overjoyed monstrosity its ship had just produced and pointed the finger of his oversized white glove at a non-descript point in space, addressing the Dorakiyan population that still failed to flee the city.

"Behold, the mightiest biological weapon in the universe–the Choki! Our radars detected an unusual energy signature on this planet that would suit Choki even better than the Planet Tech-Tech Dragon Ball we've equipped it with! As your intellectual and military superiors, we claim your natural resource that emits this powerful energy signature as our own!" the Tech-Tech alien of blue, hairless, round head proclaimed with a bold expression that believed in the hype of its own species.

"Master..." a student addressed Tenshinhan, who still appeared spaced out. If there were other planets in this universe besides Planet Earth and Planet Namek with functional sets of Dragon Balls, that meant that one of them could have potentially had the power to resurrect Chiaotzu at long last. Coping with this possibility and how it conflicted with his current chosen way of life as a martial arts teacher, Tenshinhan found himself unable to respond in time.

"Damn it! Our weapons are useless!" a member of the Dorakiyan law enforcement exclaimed. "Send a distress signal to Planet Neo Tsufuru, perhaps they will send the Neo Sigma Force here to assist us?"

"Don't bother," Tenshinhan replied to the distressed Dorakiyan, scooping up every Dorakiyan in sight and moving them out of the way as the monstrous Choki spat out bubbling foam from its mouth that washed across the monorail, sweeping away hovercars and sticking them to it like flies to a web. After placing the group of persistent Dorakiyan law enforcement down with four arms, a pair of appendages withdrew back under Tenshinhan's cape before the three-eyed martial artist removed the cloak and flung it aside. Seeing their master resolved to fight, the students followed, throwing their cloaks aside and exclaiming a spirited fighting chant. "We'll take care of this monster for you."

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