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Chapter 152

  His throat was pinched in an instant. Cheng Ci held his breath and did not dare to move: "Qi, Dean Qi?"

  Dean Qi smiled, and gently pressed his slightly rough knuckles on the two fingers below Cheng Ci's Adam's apple.

  "No matter how powerful the zombies are, they all have an absolutely fatal weakness, and that is crystal stones."

  Dean Qi raised his head, the softness on his face condensed in his eyes, "If you dig in from this position, no matter how powerful his ability is, there will be no chance of counterattack."

  Cheng Ci felt an inexplicable chill on the back of his neck, and his throat rolled up and down uneasily. He could still feel Dean Qi's cold fingers on his neck.

  What does she want to do?

  "Don't be nervous." Dean Qi smiled, slowly retracted his fingers, and gently pinched the wrinkled corners of Cheng Ci's clothes.

  But when his eyes stared at the band-aid on Cheng Ci's neck, his eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

  "If you encounter the situation I mentioned in the future, just kill them directly. If you want to survive, you must not show mercy to the zombies." Dean Qi patted Cheng Ci on the shoulder.


  Cheng Ci struggled to speak a few words from his mouth, and his hanging heart finally relaxed.

  Fortunately, he held back just now and did not summon the Eater Candle, otherwise he would have been in big trouble.

  "Go this way."

  Dean Qi raised his hand to signal Cheng Ci to turn around.

  Cheng Ci bent down and said, "Dean Qi, aren't we going back?"

  Dean Qi smiled: "Before that, go somewhere with me."

  Cheng Ci was confused, but he didn't say anything. He just walked along the path. There were more and more green plants on both sides, and bonsais were arranged around the stone road to form a long flower path.

  Dean Qi reached out, caressed and picked out a violet casually, held it on his fingertips with one hand and played with it, "There used to be a person in our institute who liked to play with these flowers and plants."

  Cheng Ci nodded and asked tentatively: "Is that Dr. Z?"

  Dean Qi smiled and did not answer.

  After a long while, Dean Qi turned his head and glanced at Cheng Ci: "Do you have any hobbies, children?"

  "I used to think about opening a dance studio, then I thought about becoming a doctor, and my dream was to be a lawyer, but I ended up studying civil engineering. In short, I couldn't do anything well, and I wasn't proficient in anything."

  Cheng Ci touched his chin and shook his head.

  "It's also interesting." Dean Qi couldn't help laughing, "We're here."


  Cheng Ci stopped his wheelchair and stared at the huge steep slope above and the extremely strong iron prison embedded in the door.

  "go in."

  Dean Qi said as he reached out and pressed the switch on the wall. Cheng Ci watched as the iron door, which was thicker than his arm, was instantly pulled up.

  As soon as Dean Qi entered the door, two neatly dressed prison guards eagerly approached him.

  "No, let's go for a walk by ourselves." Dean Qi refused a few people who were following behind him, who were a little embarrassed.

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