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As time passed, I started working again.
I had a few big deals before the pregnancy and was the brand ambassador of a really big fashion company so it was time to got this thing going again.

June was 6 months by now and it was fine to work a little. Sometimes I took her with me, sometimes I left her at my parents house for a few hours and it was fine like that for us.

While June slept, I tried to read and answer all my E-mails when Paul, my manager, called.

„Hey Paul. What's up?"
I asked, not caring about any formalities. He knew me since I was like 5 years old so we never did that.

„Em I have a new deal for you. It's kinda big but it would be great for your future career. You would have to travel a bit too though."
I could hear in his voice that he was really excited about that deal and he wanted me to accept it.

"I don't know Paul. June is only 6 months old and I want to enjoy the time when she's like that. Tell me a few details about it first."
I sighed. He's done a lot of things for me so I want to give back at least something.

"I can understand that but you could take her with us. It's a Motorsport brand and besides photoshoots with the drivers and stuff they want you to attend a few races, too. I sent you the contract a few minutes ago."

"Okay fine I'll think about it. I'll call you back when I read the contract to make some changes if needed."
I already opened the file with the contract.

"Okay then. It would be so cool if we did that. Just saying"
I laughed at him.

"Yeah you just want to see the races no need to hide that Paul."

"Not true. Absolutely not true. Oh wait there's an incoming call."
He just hung up with that.

I read through the whole contract. It said I had to advertise their team and attend a number of races in the upcoming season as a brand representative. They on the other hand had to shoot with me for our new collection and we will sponsor their team for that.
While reading, there was nothing I would change in the contract. They are willing to give me free access to accommodation in the Hilton hotels and I don't have to pay for the flights either.

Without calling Paul, I sent him the signed contract to look over it once again and he just replied with 'do you know that I LOVE you?'.
That made me laugh again. He didn't had to tell me that I'm great, I obviously knew. Duh.

The deal was ready right before the season started. I didn't expect that but now I had to pack my bags to fly to Bahrain tomorrow. It was the first race of the season so I'm supposed to watch it. We're also announcing the deal then and the first shoot will be in Bahrain, too.
I planned an extra two days just for me and June and I'm a little nervous how everything goes.

The flight went smoothly. June slept through most of it and didn't cry once. She's such a blessing, I couldn't handle it if she cried all the time.

Shortly after, we checked in at the paddock. A few news reporters and photographers made photos so I tried my best to hide June. Paul walked next to me, talking to someone about the plan for the day.

I looked around the area. A lot of people walked around, many cameras and car stuff all over the pit lane area we just walked through. We stopped at the McLaren garage and I couldn't help myself but be nervous as fuck. There's no one around right now who knew my secret. Not even Paul.

I knew it was a risk accepting that deal but Paul was just so excited and he's right after all. It could be great for my image. Therefore everything needed to be smoothly.

"Em? What's wrong?" Paul asked, noticing that I'm a little nervous.
"Oh nothing. It's just the first time I'm around so many cameras and people again you know."

Paul carried June so I could sign a few things on the way, make picture with fans and answer a few questions without her.
The drivers parade was about to start so there was a lot going on. I recognized some other celebrities that were interviewed from several people and I didn't take long until it was my turn.

The sky sports reporter asked about my connection to formula 1.
"Well of course I'm here to support an old friend of mine. I can't give you any other reason yet."
I winked and he instantly got the message.
"So there will be something to find out then?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." He immediately asked the next question.

The McLaren garage was full of mechanics and other staff members running around and preparing the car. I stood with Lily and Paul in Oscar's garage waiting for the race to start and chatting a bit.

I couldn't concentrate at the race because I just had June in mind. I really didn't want her on international TV. I also thought a lot about the first meeting with Lando. Will he recognize me? Can he put one and one together if he does?

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