AI co-write: power outage, Rocket, Meteor shower, forgiveness

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


one day kwazii was trying to do something in the power room, painting a surprise for his friands... Suddenly, when he thought he was grabbing a paint brush, he accidentally turned off the power... he hid the surprise and went outside the power room, the octonauts staring at him...

Tweak Fixed the power as the octonauts yelled at kwazii "DO YOU EVEN REALIZE?? THAT COULD HAVE DELETED OUT REASEARCH!" Shellington Growled, barnacles slapped kwazii "you're exiled... get your stuff and your jetpack and get out..." Barnacles growled... 

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and sadness as he heard the harsh words of his friends. He couldn't believe they would think he would do such a thing on purpose. He wanted to explain that it was an accident, that he was painting a surprise for them, but they wouldn't listen. They had already made up their minds. He felt betrayed and hurt.

He went to his room and packed his belongings, including his jetpack and his grandfather's spyglass. He didn't want to leave anything behind that would remind him of the Octonauts. He didn't want to see them ever again.

He left his room and walked towards the launch bay, where the Octonauts were waiting for him. They looked at him with cold and angry eyes. No one said a word. Kwazii felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to say goodbye, to apologize, to hug them, but he couldn't. He felt too ashamed and bitter.

He put on his jetpack and activated it. He flew out of the Octopod, leaving behind his home and his friends. He didn't look back. He didn't want to see their faces anymore.

He flew higher and higher, until he reached the sky. He felt free and lonely at the same time. He wondered where he would go, what he would do, who he would meet. He had no plan, no direction, no purpose.

He flew aimlessly, until he saw something in the distance. It was a rocket, with a pirate flag on it. He recognized it as the rocket of Calico Jack, his grandfather and the greatest cat pirate ever. He felt a spark of hope and curiosity. He decided to follow the rocket and see if he could find his grandfather.

He flew closer and closer, until he was right behind the rocket. He saw a window on the side, and peered inside. He saw his grandfather, wearing a pirate hat and a coat, sitting in the cockpit. He looked older and wiser, but still had the same adventurous spirit and mischievous grin.

Kwazii felt a surge of joy and excitement. He wanted to meet his grandfather, to talk to him, to learn from him. He knocked on the window, hoping to get his attention.

Calico Jack heard the knock and turned his head. He saw his grandson, smiling and waving at him. He felt a surge of surprise and delight. He hadn't seen him in years, since he left him in the Amazon. He wondered what he was doing here, how he found him, what he wanted.

He opened the window and greeted him.

"Ahoy, lad! What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Grandpa! I'm so happy to see you! I was flying in the sky and I saw your rocket. I wanted to say hello," Kwazii said.

"Well, hello to you too, matey. Come on in, join me for a ride," Calico Jack said, inviting him inside.

"Really? Can I?" Kwazii asked, eagerly.

"Of course, you can. You're my grandson, after all. Come on, don't be shy," Calico Jack said, pulling him inside.

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