AI co-write: dangerous sea creature, legendary sunken ship, debris, un/forgive

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⚠️just an AU⚠️


One day, kwazii was trying to feed a Creature in the Octopod's holding tank - they had saved it and was returning it home..

But he accidentally Freed it....

The octonauts caught it, Inkling looked away as Dashi, Tweak and Peso glared at Kwazii, Shellington Was Narrowed his eyes "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" Shellington said, as he slapped kwazii..

barnacles also slapped kwazii "you are no longer an octonaut kwazii.... get out..." Barnacles growled...

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and anger as he was slapped by his former friends. He couldn't believe they would think he did it on purpose. He tried to explain, but they wouldn't listen. They just pushed him out of the Octopod and slammed the hatch behind him.

Kwazii swam away, tears stinging his eyes. He felt alone and betrayed. He had no idea where to go or what to do. He wondered if anyone would ever trust him again.

He wandered the ocean for hours, until he saw a familiar sight. It was the pirate submarine of his grandfather, Calico Jack. Kwazii felt a flicker of hope. Maybe his grandfather would understand him. Maybe he would give him a second chance.

He approached the submarine and knocked on the window. He saw Calico Jack's face light up as he recognized him.

"Ahoy, me grandson! What a pleasant surprise!" Calico Jack exclaimed, as he opened the hatch and pulled Kwazii inside. "What brings ye here, lad?"

Kwazii hesitated. He didn't want to tell his grandfather what had happened. He was afraid he would be disappointed in him. He decided to lie.

"I... I just wanted to see you, grandpa. It's been a while," he said, forcing a smile.

Calico Jack smiled back, but he sensed something was wrong. He knew Kwazii well enough to tell when he was hiding something. He decided to let it go for now. He had something more important to talk about.

"Well, I'm glad ye came, lad. Ye see, I have a very special mission for ye. A mission that could make ye a legend among pirates," he said, his eyes sparkling.

Kwazii perked up. He loved a good adventure. He wondered what his grandfather had in mind.

"What is it, grandpa?" he asked, curious.

Calico Jack took out a map and spread it on the table. He pointed to a spot marked with an X.

"Ye see this, lad? This is the location of the sunken ship of Captain Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all time. His ship was loaded with gold, jewels, and other treasures beyond imagination. And I know where it is. I've been searching for it for years, and I finally found it. And I want ye to help me get it," he said, his voice full of excitement.

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