AI co-write: erased friendship, Fire, Flame, Pirate Hunters, ocean Rescue

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii was trying to make a surprise for his friands, he was updating the Octopod's data files.... But... Kwazii accidentally erased the Octopod's data files, Barnacles, Dashi and Tweak walked in and Saw what happened... 

Dashi Slapped kwazii... 

Kwazii felt a sharp pain on his cheek as Dashi slapped him hard. He looked at her with disbelief and hurt, but she glared back at him with anger and disappointment.

"How could you do this, Kwazii?" she shouted. "You just deleted all our data files! Do you have any idea how much work we put into them? How much they mean to us?"

Kwazii opened his mouth to explain, but before he could say anything, Barnacles and Tweak joined Dashi and stared at him with similar expressions of fury and contempt.

"Kwazii, what have you done?" Barnacles asked in a stern voice. "You just erased years of research and information. You just jeopardized our mission and our reputation. You just betrayed our trust and our friendship."

Kwazii felt tears sting his eyes as he heard Barnacles' words. He had always admired and respected the captain, and he considered him his best friend. He never meant to hurt him or anyone else. He just wanted to surprise them with a new update that would make their data files faster and easier to access. He didn't know how he messed up so badly.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I'm sorry, everyone," Kwazii said in a weak voice. "I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. I was trying to make a surprise for you. I was trying to help."

"Help?" Tweak snorted. "You call this helping? You just ruined everything, Kwazii. You just proved that you're nothing but a troublemaker. A liability. A failure."

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and hurt at Tweak's words. He had always liked and admired the engineer, and he considered her his friend. He had always helped her with her inventions and gadgets, and he had always appreciated her skills and creativity. He didn't deserve to be treated like this.

"I'm not a failure, Tweak," Kwazii said in a defiant voice. "I'm not a troublemaker. I'm not a liability. I'm an octonaut. And I'm your friend."

"Not anymore, Kwazii," Barnacles said coldly. "You're not an octonaut. You're not our friend. You're not welcome here. You have to leave. Now."

Kwazii felt his heart break as he heard Barnacles' words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He couldn't believe what he had done.

He looked at the three octonauts who had once been his friends, his family, his team. He saw no trace of love, compassion, or forgiveness in their eyes. He saw only hate, resentment, and rejection.

He realized that he had lost everything.

He nodded slowly, and turned to leave. He grabbed his hat and his spyglass, and headed towards the launch bay. He didn't say goodbye. He didn't look back.

He got into the Gup-B, and drove away from the Octopod. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't care.

He just wanted to get away from the pain.

he soon bumps into Calico Jack, who welcomes him to his pirate vessel, kwazii didn't tell him what happened.

However, Kwazii accidentally drops a lantern that sets fire to Calico Jack's favorite hat, Calico Jack walked over and Slapped kwazii "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Calico Jack growled...

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