AI co-write: Shadow of the Past: Macaque flame -alt acc story-

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Just a new fanfic from my other account:

After Revealing about his sister, Paani reveals his past to the octonauts and what happened between him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After Revealing about his sister, Paani reveals his past to the octonauts and what happened between him... and his twin sister, Lisa.


Everybody was okay, for the most part... "Paani... sorry if I'm being... annoying or pushy... but what happened with those people in the photo and were they connected to your distress?" Shellington asked...

Paani sighed and looked around...

"I probably should, if I'm right on what she will do" Paani said "okay" Shellington said, confused "well..." Paani started... though he looked around "we can go somewhere... more private..." Shellington said...

"No its fine... if my sister was... was the person who freed Landon and Sonne in the words... they need to know about her too..." Paani said....

"Cause if she is... its not the last we see of those exs..." Paani added...

❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥stuff that is unplanned/unnoted Happens🙈🙈

Years ago... before paani even knew about the octonauts, he was born alongside Lisa, his twin sister, Lisa the brown Macaque Monkey with green eyes Used to be friands with Paani... but...

Octonauts oneshots 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat