AI Guide-write: 🛩Death Date: Kwazii's Dark Lightning🛩 🛩Alt acc Story🛩

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🛩manifest × octonauts crossover🛩💖Barnacles × kwazii, maybe more?💖🔤above and beyond s2-s3 timeline🔤➰Bio➰Kwazii has some secrets, that are troubling him and haunting him, but also endangers his frainds and grandfather

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🛩manifest × octonauts crossover🛩💖Barnacles × kwazii, maybe more?💖🔤above and beyond s2-s3 timeline🔤
Kwazii has some secrets, that are troubling him and haunting him, but also endangers his frainds and grandfather...

And now Kwazii's ex-boyfriend, Dash, frames him and gets him exiled from the octonauts... by putting the octonauts in Danger and making it seem like Kwazii did it...

Barnacles gives Kwazii one last mission, to help his grandfather bury his treasure.. (the mission in the sand cat episode) 

"Wish you die there but that's not going to happen.." tweak says before he leaves..

She didn't know how guilty she'd feel later..

But Dash blames Kwazii again, for stealing calico Jack's treasure when it was a sand cat, looking for food...

Dash also somebody close to calico Jack.... "why did you do that devil!?" was the last thing Kwazii heard from his grandfather, Calico Jack.

kwazii than takes Echo, his adoptive daughter and one of the reasons he broke up with Dash... and goes on flight 828

After the octonauts and calico Jack learn the truth they go look for kwazii... They can't find him for a while, 5 and a half years to be exact...

But they soon find him in trouble...

he Is an 828er, part of a group of 191 passengers on flight 828... can they reconnect before the death date?


Kwazii sighed as he looked at Echo, his adoptive daughter, Dash, His ex, had taken her from the adoption center, without letting anyone know, kwazii had went back and adopted her for real... he had also broken up with dash... 

Dash Snuck onto the octopod, the albino(white) coyote with pink eyes and Silvery-whiteish markings on his fur poisoned some of the octonauts food, he made sure it was noticeable, and put some Evidence it was kwazii and snuck out, kwazii was going ...

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Dash Snuck onto the octopod, the albino(white) coyote with pink eyes and Silvery-whiteish markings on his fur poisoned some of the octonauts food, he made sure it was noticeable, and put some Evidence it was kwazii and snuck out, kwazii was going to pay for breaking up with him, Tweak walked in and picked up some of the poisoned food, but Peso caught that it was poisoned in time and stopped her... they told the others and the octonauts went to kwazii's room, and yelled at him, not giving him a chance to explain... 

Suddenly the octo-alert sounded... they walked over to the HQ room, and saw Calico Jack's face on the screen, Calico Jack was a pirate, Kwazii's grandfather and an octo-agent, Barnacles sighed... "Calico Jack Report please..." Barnacles said, Calico Jack explained how he needed to rebury his treasure somewhere safer than the island he originally buried it at... which was now stolen by some decorator crabs... "You better go help your grandfather, kwazii..." Barnacles said, he turned off the call and walked over to kwazii... "this will be your last mission, you're exiled..." Barnacles growled, Kwazii looked at his crush, but said nothing... he just started to leave... "Wish you die there but that's not going to happen..." Tweak said... Kwazii put on a black sweater and got into the gup-B... he didn't see that Echo was home from school or that she snuck onto the gup-B...

they then went to his grandfather's location, Calico Jack led kwazii to where another chest was hidden in a cave... expect a rockslide buried it, kwazii and calico Jack dug it out and Calico Jack revealed the treasure as a journal he wrote his earliest adventures in, and had a couple of photos of a kitten kwazii in it... and they left for a desert... where they walked for a while until they found a good spot and kwazii got tired of walking.... "Hmmm what a strange place for a beach..." Calico Jack said... Kwazii sighed "This is no Beach, Grandad... It's a desert... A REALLY big desert..." Kwazii said... and they rested...

Dash watching them, he saw A sand cat steal Calico Jack's bag with the journal/treasure, he was going to frame it on kwazii, Dash also snuck over and hurt Pete's wing, Pete squawked and woke kwazii and Calico Jack up, Dash sneakily forced Pete to land near kwazii, nobody saw this... Calico Jack Looked at Dash "who are you?" Calico Jack asked, "somebody who has to tell you the truth of your grandson..." Dash said, smirking at kwazii, who stayed silent and glared at him, Calico Jack didn't see the smirk from dash or the Glare from kwazii... 

Calico Jack yelled at Kwazii, Kwazii ran away, taking Echo with him, he got on the plane 828, though he didn't know how much his life would change...

Meanwhile at the octopod, the octonauts had learned the truth of Dash, finding the evidence it was not kwazii, they soon heard a call from calico Jack saying that the mission was done, but partially a fail...

Meanwhile, the plane went through some turbulence, Echo was scared but kwazii comforted her... Meanwhile, Calico Jack had learned from the octonauts, that kwazii was innocent... he felt Quilty...

five and a half years later, they learned kwazii was on flight 828, which had been missing as long as he was... it's been a few months since than, they found kwazii talking with Ben, another 828 passenger, kwazii fought with the octonauts and his grandfather for a while... 

for another few months, The octonauts tried to talk to kwazii, and so did calico Jack, but kwazii ignored them and followed his callings...

Expect for one, he still did not understand...

'forgive them' 

He wondered what it meant... 

five and a half more years later, closer to the death date... Kwazii wondered where his 'former' Friands and grandfather were... and started to search for them...

finding the octonauts in a fire, he helped them escaped... Kwazii and barnacles blushed... the octonauts led kwazii to calico Jack, Kwazii ran to his grandfather and hugged him "Lad.." calico Jack said letting tears fall.. 

As Calico Jack and the octonauts helped the Passengers with kwazii, Kwazii told them of the adventures the callings caused, and about Angelina, and Eden, who Angelina had kidnapped, but Ben, Michaela, Zeke (Michaela's husband), Cal (now somehow the age he was supposed to be) Echo (still 10 years old, due to being on the plane) and Kwazii helped save...  

at the death date... Kwazii and echo went on the reappeared plane... Kwazii promised to return to his friands and grandfather...

Some of the passengers blew up, Including Angelina...

As the surviving passengers head to the door in the light, they de-aged, as they are revealed to have been sent back to April 7, 2013.

kwazii wondered if his friands and grandfather have still forgiven him... or knew he was innocent now... 

until he heard their voices, calling him, he ran to them with echo... they were happy to see him...

"Kwazii.. I missed you.." Barnacles said.. Kwazii kissed barnacles on the cheek making him blush...

the end...

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