AI co-write: ◇trouble Of Past: Kwazii's secret past◇ {Alt story idea} |⚠️|

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@Skygarmadon2 is my alt account: the story is

🐈based off: Kwazii's hidden past (Another story from my other account)🐈➰takes place PARTIALLY in the Amazon Adventure➰🐈Barnacles × kwazii somewhere after the breakup of Kwazii and the bad guy, and Barnacles already has a crush on Kwazii, but hi...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

🐈based off: Kwazii's hidden past (Another story from my other account)🐈➰takes place PARTIALLY in the Amazon Adventure➰🐈Barnacles × kwazii somewhere after the breakup of Kwazii and the bad guy, and Barnacles already has a crush on Kwazii, but hides it cause he knows Kwazii has somebody else, he just doesn't know who🐻😑this story may also hold parts like 'I'm not him, grandfather'😑Kwazii has some secrets, that are troubling him and haunting him, but also endangers his friends and grandfather, can he reveal the truth before it's too late?Even with the exile Kwazii's bad love makes?

Tws: Bad love in triggering ways, lets say... ? :> 


Darek, Kwazii's secret Ex-boyfriend, snuck around the octopod, he was jealous of kwazii, he had a lot... 

Darek was also possessive, he was mainly using him, but he had fallen for him... he hid when he saw barnacles, a polar bear who was the leader and somebody who had a crush on kwazii, Darek was also pretty sure kwazii liked barnacles but was too scared to say anything...

Darek had added poison to some of the food the octonauts were going to eat, he saw Peso and Dashi coming into kwazii's room and yelling at him, barnacles walked over to them, Darek saw Barnacles dragging kwazii and throwing him out "KWAZII GET OUT YOU'RE EXILED" Barnacles growled, Darek smiled...

Kwazii was shocked and hurt by Barnacles' words. He couldn't believe that his best friend and leader would treat him so harshly. He tried to protest, but Barnacles pushed him out of the Octopod and locked the door behind him. Kwazii felt tears sting his eyes as he looked at the cold metal of the Octopod, his home for so long. He wondered what he had done to deserve this.

He didn't know that Barnacles was under the influence of Darek's poison, which made him paranoid and angry. Darek had spiked the food that Barnacles ate, hoping to make him turn against Kwazii and drive him away. Darek wanted Kwazii for himself, and he didn't care about anyone else.

Kwazii decided to swim away from the Octopod, feeling lost and alone. He hoped that someone would come after him and explain what was going on, but no one did. He felt like he had no friends left in the world.

He swam aimlessly for a while, until he saw a familiar shape in the water. It was Darek, his ex-boyfriend, who had a wicked smile on his face. Kwazii felt a surge of fear and anger as he recognized him. He remembered how Darek had abused him, lied to him, and betrayed him. He remembered how he had escaped from him and joined the Octonauts, hoping to start a new life.

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