AI co-write: 🎤Be careful of faulty electronics: part 2🎤

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of an old oneshot from my old octonauts oneshot book...

⚠️Just an au⚠️


"Kwazii, can you hear me?" Calico Jack said softly, Kwazii, his grandson, had been electrocuted by Dino, A cat who hated him, Calico Jack didn't know why... "It's me, your grandpa. I'm here with you. You're going to be fine. Just breathe, Kwazii. Just breathe."  He pressed his chest and blew into his mouth again. And then, he heard a sound that made his heart leap with joy. A sound that he had been waiting for. A sound that he had been praying for. A sound that meant everything to him. A sound that meant life. A sound that meant love. A sound that meant Kwazii. 

A cough. Kwazii coughed and gasped for air. He opened his eyes and looked at Calico Jack. He saw his face and recognized him. He heard his voice and understood him.

"Grandpa..." he whispered, smiling weakly. "You saved me." Calico Jack smiled and hugged him gently.

"Kwazii, lad, you're OK," he said. "You're OK."

"I'm OK, Grandpa," Kwazii said. "Thanks to you."

They held each other and cried tears of relief.

Soon, the other octonauts arrived, Shellington had called them, before coming over to Block Dino from stopping Calico Jack saving kwazii... Peso came over, Peso smiled when he saw kwazii's eyes open... "oh, You're awake" Peso said looking at Calico Jack "can you check on him?" Calico Jack asked, Peso nodded and walked over...

Peso checked on Kwazii and found that he had some minor burns and bruises from the electric shock. He applied some ointment and bandages to his wounds and gave him some water and medicine to drink. He told him to rest and be careful for a while.

"Kwazii, you're very lucky that your grandpa was there to save you," Peso said. "You could have been seriously hurt or worse."

"I know, Peso," Kwazii said. "I'm very grateful to him. He's the best grandpa ever."

Calico Jack smiled and ruffled Kwazii's hair.

"And you're the best grandson ever," he said. "You're brave and strong and smart. Just like me."

They laughed and hugged.

The other octonauts were relieved to see that Kwazii was OK. They also thanked Calico Jack for his heroic act. They asked him what happened and why Dino attacked Kwazii.

Calico Jack explained that he didn't know much about Dino, except that he was a cat who hated Kwazii for some reason. He said that he saw him using the karaoke microphone to electrocute Kwazii while he was trying to sing and was alone. He said that he, Shellington, and Kwazii had worn bracelets that would send a signal to the other bracelets if one of them were in danger. He said that he received the signal from Kwazii's bracelet and rushed to save him. He said that Shellington had called the other octonauts and blocked Dino from stopping him.

The octonauts were shocked and angry to hear this. They wondered why Dino would do such a thing. They decided to capture him and bring him to justice.

They searched for Dino in the music festival, but they couldn't find him. He had escaped in the chaos. They asked some of the other attendees if they had seen him, but they didn't get any useful information.

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