AI co-write: Music Navigation Mess up, Crab Captur, Kwazii's end..

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


"I hope they like the Suprise!" Kwazii said... he was downloading some of his friands favorite songs... but Kwazii accidentally deletes the Octopod's navigation data while trying to download some music, causing the Octonauts to lose their way in the ocean. 

"KWAZII WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Barnacles growled "Get out.." Barnacles growled... all the octonauts Glared at kwazii... 

Kwazii felt hurt and betrayed by his friends. He couldn't believe they would think he would do something so mean on purpose. He grabbed his pirate hat and ran out of the Octopod. He didn't know where to go, but he knew he couldn't stay there.

He wandered around the ocean, feeling lonely and sad. He wished he could find someone who would understand him and appreciate him. He wished he could find his grandfather, Calico Jack, the legendary pirate who had taught him everything he knew about being a pirate.

As he was swimming, he saw a familiar ship in the distance. It was the Jolly Roger, Calico Jack's ship. Kwazii felt a surge of hope and excitement. Maybe his grandfather was there. Maybe he could join him on his pirate adventures. Maybe he could forget about the Octonauts and their harsh words.

He swam towards the ship, hoping to see his grandfather's face. He climbed on board and looked around. He saw a bunch of pirates, but none of them looked like Calico Jack. He felt disappointed and confused.

"Hey, who are you?" one of the pirates asked.

"I'm Kwazii, Calico Jack's grandson," Kwazii said.

"Calico Jack's grandson? Ha! That's a good one. Calico Jack doesn't have any grandchildren. He's too old and grumpy for that," another pirate said.

"No, it's true. He's my grandfather. He taught me how to be a pirate. Where is he?" Kwazii said.

"He's in his cabin. But I wouldn't bother him if I were you. He's in a bad mood. He's been looking for a legendary island for ages, but he can't find it. He has a map, but it's very old and faded. He's been trying to decipher it, but he's getting nowhere," the first pirate said.

"Maybe I can help him. I'm good at reading maps. Let me see him," Kwazii said.

"Fine, go ahead. But don't say we didn't warn you," the second pirate said.

Kwazii walked towards the cabin, hoping to see his grandfather and make him happy. He knocked on the door and heard a gruff voice.

"Who is it?" Calico Jack asked.

"It's me, Kwazii, your grandson," Kwazii said.

"My grandson? What are you doing here?" Calico Jack asked.

"I came to see you, Grandpa. I missed you," Kwazii said.

"Missed me? Ha! You don't miss me. You're too busy with your fancy Octonauts and their silly missions. You don't care about being a pirate. You don't care about me," Calico Jack said.

"That's not true, Grandpa. I do care about you. And I do care about being a pirate. I love being a pirate. That's why I came to see you. I want to help you find the legendary island," Kwazii said.

"The legendary island? You want to help me find it? Do you even know what it is?" Calico Jack asked.

"Of course I do. It's the island where the greatest pirate treasure of all time is hidden. The treasure of Captain Blackbeard, the most feared pirate in history. You've been looking for it for years, haven't you?" Kwazii said.

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