AI co-write: The Forbidden Artifact

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⚠️just an AU⚠️


one day, kwazii Found an Artifact, an Forbidden Artifact, It was cursed, it was a bracelet, a gray bracelet... Despite warnings, he brings it aboard the Octopod, causing a series of mishaps, Tweak messing up inventions, some things falling and injuring them, they blamed kwazii for bringing the  Artifact here.

Barnacles looked at kwazii sighed, The crew, convinced he's brought the curse intentionally, had to cast him out, Barnacles walked over to kwazii to tell him.

Kwazii's heart sank as Captain Barnacles approached him. The weight of the crew's stares was heavier than the ocean's depths. "Kwazii," Barnacles began, his voice a mix of disappointment and duty, "the crew and I have talked. We believe... we believe it's best if you leave the Octopod."

The words struck Kwazii like a harpoon. "But Cap'n, I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" he protested, his usual bravado nowhere to be found.

"I know, lad. But the safety of the crew and the sea creatures comes first. You must go," Barnacles said firmly, handing Kwazii his compass and a small pack of supplies.

With a heavy heart, Kwazii left the Octopod, not noticing the tear that slipped from Barnacles' eye. As he wandered the ocean, the cursed bracelet seemed to mock him, its gray sheen like the stormy skies above.

Days passed, and Kwazii's guilt turned to anger. That's when he stumbled upon Calico Jack's ship, anchored in a secluded cove. "Grandfather!" Kwazii called out, hoping for some comfort.

Calico Jack emerged, his face stern. "Kwazii, what have ye done? Ye've brought shame upon our name," he scolded.

Kwazii tried to explain, but in a fit of rage, he accidentally knocked over a precious compass that belonged to his grandfather. The artifact's curse flared, and a gust of wind swept the compass into the sea.

"Ye clumsy pirate!" Calico Jack bellowed. "Get off me ship!"

Feeling utterly alone, Kwazii dived after the compass, determined to fix his mistake. But the cursed bracelet attracted the attention of a giant squid, which ensnared Kwazii in its massive tentacles.

Back on the Octopod, the crew felt the absence of their friend. Tweak fixed her inventions, and the mishaps ceased, making them question the true cause of their troubles.

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