AI co-write: Plant Accident, Cave Accident, Rock injury, forgiveness

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii looked at the plants, he was checking them out, he was also bringing some food for some of the creatures that were also checking them out, Kwazii accidentally spills some hot sauce on a rare plant that Tunip was growing.

Tunip looked at the mess and felt upset, he went to Shellington, who was talking with barnacles, they walked in and saw kwazii talking with the animals... Barnacles growled...

Barnacles growled and confronted Kwazii. "Kwazii, what have you done? You've ruined Tunip's rare plant with your hot sauce!"

Kwazii looked at Barnacles with a confused expression. "What? No, I didn't! It was an accident, I swear!"

"An accident? Yeah, right. You always say that when you cause trouble. You're always playing pranks and messing things up. You don't care about anyone else's work or feelings. You're selfish and irresponsible!" Barnacles said, his voice rising.

"That's not true, Barnacles! I do care! I'm sorry, I really am! Please, let me explain!" Kwazii pleaded.

But Barnacles was not listening. He was too angry and disappointed. He turned to the other Octonauts, who had gathered around them. They all looked at Kwazii with disapproval and sadness.

"Octonauts, I've had enough of Kwazii's antics. He's a danger to the team and the Octopod. He doesn't belong here. He's no longer an Octonaut. He's exiled from the team, effective immediately. Kwazii, pack your things and leave. Now." Barnacles said, his voice firm and final.

Kwazii felt a surge of shock and hurt. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at his friends, hoping to see some support or sympathy. But they all looked away, avoiding his gaze. They had all turned against him. They had all abandoned him.

He felt tears sting his eyes. He felt his heart break. He felt his world crumble.

He ran to his room, grabbed his backpack and his catfish, and ran out of the Octopod. He didn't look back. He didn't say goodbye. He didn't want to see their faces anymore. He didn't want to feel their rejection anymore.

He just wanted to get away. Far away.

He ran until he reached the shore. He saw a small boat docked there. He recognized it as Calico Jack's boat. Calico Jack was his grandfather, a legendary pirate and explorer. He had taught Kwazii everything he knew about the ocean and its wonders. He had also taught him how to have fun and enjoy life. He was the only one who understood him. He was the only one who loved him.

He decided to go to him. He hoped he would welcome him and comfort him. He hoped he would make him feel better.

He climbed on the boat and called out. "Grandpa! Grandpa, are you there? It's me, Kwazii!"

He heard a voice from inside the boat. "Kwazii? Is that you, lad? Come in, come in!"

He smiled and walked towards the voice. He opened the door and saw his grandfather sitting on a couch, surrounded by maps and books. He had a long beard, a hook for a hand, and a parrot on his shoulder. He looked happy and excited.

He saw Kwazii and smiled. "Kwazii, my boy! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?"

Kwazii hugged him and sobbed. "Grandpa, I need your help. The Octonauts kicked me out. They hate me. They don't want me anymore."

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