AI co-write: Stinky chemicals, Rainbow Coral, Jellyfish, forgiveness

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii accidentally mixes up some chemicals that caused a stinky explosion while trying to help Shellington with his experiments, Shellington Reported what happened to the others, Barnacles walked over to kwazii with anger.

"KWAZII I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS AS A PRANK?! WHAT IF IT WAS TOXIC?!" Barnacles growled slapping kwazii... 

Kwazii felt a sharp pain on his cheek as Barnacles slapped him. He looked at him with shock and hurt.

"Captain, I swear, it was an accident. I was just trying to help Shellington with his experiments. I didn't mean to cause a stinky explosion," Kwazii said.

"Save your excuses, Kwazii. You've gone too far this time. You could have harmed Shellington, or yourself, or the Octopod. You're not fit to be an Octonaut," Barnacles said.

"What? No, Captain, please, don't say that. I love being an Octonaut. I love exploring, rescuing, and protecting the ocean. I love being part of this team. Please, don't kick me out," Kwazii begged.

"I'm sorry, Kwazii, but you've left me no choice. You have to leave the Octopod. Now," Barnacles said.

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and sadness. He couldn't believe that Barnacles, his friend and leader, would treat him so harshly. He felt betrayed and abandoned.

"Fine. If that's how you feel, then I don't want to be an Octonaut anymore. I don't need you, or any of you. I'm better off on my own," Kwazii said.

He grabbed his pirate hat and his spyglass and stormed out of the control room. He ignored the calls and cries of his fellow Octonauts, who were watching the scene with shock and confusion. He ran to the launch bay and got into the Gup-B. He started the engine and sped away from the Octopod, leaving behind his home and his friends.

He didn't know where he was going, or what he was going to do. He only knew that he was hurt and angry, and that he wanted to get away from everything.

He drove the Gup-B for a long time, until he reached a remote and rocky area of the ocean. He saw a small cave and decided to park the Gup-B there. He got out and walked into the cave, hoping to find some peace and quiet.

He didn't notice that someone else was already in the cave, until he heard a familiar voice.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my grandson, Kwazii. What are you doing here, lad?" the voice said.

Kwazii turned and saw Calico Jack, his grandfather and a legendary pirate. He was sitting on a pile of treasure, holding a map and a compass.

"Grandpa? Is that you?" Kwazii said.

"Aye, it's me, lad. I've been searching for this rainbow coral for a long time. It's supposed to be the most beautiful and rare coral in the world. And I think I've finally found it. It's somewhere in this cave. Come, join me, lad. Maybe you can help me find it," Calico Jack said.

Kwazii felt a spark of curiosity and excitement. He loved his grandfather, and he loved going on pirate adventures with him. He thought that maybe this was his chance to start a new life, away from the Octonauts.

"Sure, Grandpa. I'd love to help you find the rainbow coral. Maybe we can share it as a family treasure," Kwazii said.

"That's the spirit, lad. Come on, let's go. The rainbow coral awaits," Calico Jack said.

He got up and handed Kwazii a flashlight. He led him deeper into the cave, following the map and the compass.

Kwazii followed him, hoping to find the rainbow coral, and hoping to forget his troubles with the Octonauts.

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