AI co-write: Stolen Compass, thief trap and thief trouble

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Just an AU


One day, Kwazii was Walking back to the gup-B, where he thought he left behind his grandfather's compass... but it wasn't there, Calico Jack walked over "lad, do you know where the compass is? the one that was inherited from you're great-grandfather?" Calico Jack asked...

Kwazii felt a surge of panic as he searched the Gup-B for the compass, but it was nowhere to be found. He wondered if he had misplaced it somewhere else, or if someone had taken it. He hoped that it was not the latter, because the compass was very precious to him and his grandfather. It was a golden compass that had belonged to his great-grandfather, who was a famous explorer and adventurer. The compass had a special feature that allowed it to point to any location in the world, as long as the user knew its name. It was a family heirloom that had been passed down for generations, and Kwazii had received it from calico jack on his tenth birthday.

"Grandfather, I don't know where the compass is. I thought I left it here, but it's gone." Kwazii said nervously, hoping that calico jack would not be angry.

Calico jack frowned and looked at Kwazii with disappointment. "Gone? How could you let it go, lad? Do you have any idea how valuable that compass is? It's not just a toy, it's a treasure. It's a part of our history and legacy. It's a gift from your great-grandfather, who risked his life to explore the unknown. And you just lost it like that?" He said sternly, making Kwazii feel even worse.

"I'm sorry, grandfather. I didn't mean to lose it. I must have dropped it somewhere, or maybe someone stole it." Kwazii said, trying to explain.

"Stole it? Who would steal it? And why didn't you keep an eye on it? You should have been more careful and responsible, lad. You should have cherished and protected it like I did. You should have respected and honored your great-grandfather's memory like I did. But you didn't. You failed him and me." Calico jack said harshly, making Kwazii feel angry and hurt.

"Grandfather, please don't say that. I love the compass as much as you do. I love our great-grandfather as much as you do. I'm not a failure. I'm not a disgrace." Kwazii said defiantly, feeling tears in his eyes.

"Then prove it to me, lad. Prove that you're worthy of the compass and our great-grandfather's name. Find the compass and bring it back to me. Or don't bother coming back at all." Calico jack said coldly, turning away from Kwazii.

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and resentment as he heard his grandfather's words. He couldn't believe that he would say such things to him. He couldn't believe that he would reject him so easily. He felt like he had lost not only the compass, but also his grandfather's love and trust.

He decided to leave the Gup-B and look for the compass by himself. He didn't want to see his grandfather's face anymore. He didn't want to hear his voice anymore. He wanted to prove him wrong and show him that he was not a failure or a disgrace.

He grabbed his jet pack and his spyglass and headed out of the Gup-B. He scanned the area for any clues or signs of the compass or the thief who might have taken it. He hoped that he would find it soon and return it to his grandfather.

He hoped that he would make him proud again.

He hoped that he would make him love him again.

As kwazii swam around the area, he met a cat, who reveled himself as Terry, the thief... Terry was a brown cat with misty blue eyes "I'll give the compass back on one condition" Terry said "what is it?" Kwazii said... Terry took kwazii to a nearby island....

Octonauts oneshots 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz