AI co-write: Cozy drink, Fire, shark

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⚠️Just an Au⚠️


One day, kwazii was trying to make a cozy drink for Dashi, when he spilt the hot Chocolate on the Octopod's control panel, Dashi and barnacles glared at him... 

"Kwazii, what have you done?" Barnacles shouted, as the control panel sparked and smoked.

"I-I'm sorry, Captain. I was just trying to make a hot chocolate for Dashi, but I slipped and spilled it on the buttons," Kwazii explained, holding the empty mug.

"That's no excuse, Kwazii. You know you're not supposed to bring any food or drinks near the control panel. It's very dangerous and irresponsible," Dashi said, frowning.

"I know, I know. But it was cold and I wanted to warm up a bit. And I thought Dashi would like a nice drink too, after working so hard on her photos," Kwazii said.

"Well, you've ruined everything, Kwazii. The control panel is fried, and we can't communicate with the other Gups or the Octo-Agents. We'll have to cancel our mission and return to the Octopod for repairs," Barnacles said.

"And we'll have to explain to Professor Inkling and Tweak what happened. They won't be happy, Kwazii. They'll be very disappointed in you," Dashi said.

"I'm sorry, mateys. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. It was an accident, honest," Kwazii said.

"An accident? Or a prank?" Barnacles asked, narrowing his eyes.

"A prank? What do you mean, Captain?" Kwazii asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb, Kwazii. We know you like to play pranks on the other Octonauts. You think it's funny to scare them, trick them, or make them laugh. But this time, you've gone too far. You've put us all in danger, and wasted our time and resources," Barnacles said.

"That's not true, Captain. I would never do that. I love the Octonauts, and I respect our mission. I'm not a prankster, I'm a pirate," Kwazii said.

"A pirate? Is that what you are, Kwazii? A pirate who doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself? A pirate who doesn't follow the rules or the orders? A pirate who doesn't belong on the Octonauts team?" Barnacles asked.

"Captain, please. Don't say that. You don't mean it," Kwazii said, tears in his eyes.

"I do mean it, Kwazii. And I think it's best if you leave the Octonauts. You're not welcome here anymore. You're not one of us," Barnacles said.

"Captain, no. Please, don't do this. Don't send me away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Kwazii begged.

"Save your apologies, Kwazii. They won't change anything. You've made your choice, and you have to face the consequences. Now, take your things and go. And don't come back," Barnacles said.

He turned away from Kwazii and started to work on the control panel with Dashi. They ignored Kwazii, who was sobbing and shaking.

Kwazii couldn't believe what was happening. He felt like his heart was breaking. He loved the Octonauts, and he loved being an Octonaut. He had so many wonderful memories with them, so many amazing adventures. He had learned so much from them, and he had grown so much with them. They were his family, his friends, his crew. And now, they were kicking him out. They were rejecting him. They were hating him.

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