AI co-write: Main computer, Picture Memeries, shipwreck, forgiveness

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⚠️Just an Au⚠️


One day, Kwazii was trying to do something on the main computer for his friands when he spilt ink on it, barnacles and dashi ran over in anger...

"Kwazii, what have you done?" Barnacles shouted, looking at the black screen of the main computer. "You've ruined our research!"

"I-I'm sorry, Captain, I didn't mean to..." Kwazii stammered, holding the ink bottle in his paw. "I was just trying to print out some pictures for the crew..."

"Save your excuses, Kwazii," Dashi snapped, pushing him aside. "You've always been careless and reckless, but this is too much. You've destroyed our data and our work!"

"Please, Dashi, give me a chance to explain..." Kwazii pleaded, feeling tears in his eyes.

"No, Kwazii, enough is enough," Barnacles said, shaking his head. "You've crossed the line this time. You're no longer welcome on the octopod. You have to leave."

"Leave? But, Captain, this is my home..." Kwazii said, his voice breaking.

"Not anymore, Kwazii. Pack your things and go. And don't come back," Barnacles said, turning away from him.

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and disbelief in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at the other octonauts, hoping to see some sympathy or support, but they all looked away from him. They all thought he was guilty. They all wanted him gone.

Kwazii felt a lump in his throat. He couldn't say anything. He just nodded and walked away, clutching his ink bottle. He went to his cabin and packed his belongings in a hurry. He didn't have much. Just some clothes, some books, some toys, and some pictures. Pictures of his friends. His family. The octonauts.

He took one last look at them, and felt a pang of regret and sorrow. He wished he could say goodbye. He wished he could make them understand. He wished he could stay.

But he knew he couldn't. He had to leave. He had to face the world alone.

He took his backpack and his ink bottle, and left his cabin. He walked through the octopod, feeling the cold and silent stares of the other octonauts. He felt like an outcast. A traitor. A criminal.

He reached the launch bay, and saw the Gup-A waiting for him. He climbed in, and started the engine. He looked at the octopod, and saw Barnacles and Dashi standing at the window, watching him. They looked angry and disappointed. They didn't say anything. They didn't wave. They didn't smile.

They just watched him go.

Kwazii felt a tear roll down his cheek. He wiped it away, and put on his helmet. He pressed the launch button, and the Gup-A shot out of the octopod. He looked at the octopod, and saw it getting smaller and smaller in his rearview mirror. He felt a wave of sadness and loneliness wash over him.

He was leaving his home. He was leaving his friends. He was leaving his life.

He was leaving the octonauts.

And he didn't know if he would ever see them again.

Kwazii drove the gup-A far away, Kwazii soon ran into somebody, Calico Jack, his grandfather, who invited him into his submarine, kwazii didn't tell him what happened with the octonauts, and just had it as a visit, he didn't know what he was going to do after... but he'd find something, Probably... Kwazii decided to add some of pictures of Calico Jack and his family, but he accidentally deleted pictures from the database... Calico Jack walked over...    

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