AI co-write: Calico Jack's Lucky compass and lost grandson, and copperheads pt.2

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Part 2 of: Calico Jack's Lucky compass and lost grandson, and copperheads

Its a oneshot from my other octonauts oneshot book...

⚠️just an AU⚠️


He looked at Calico Jack, and saw him alone, on the beach. He saw the sadness in his face. He saw the guilt in his eyes. He saw the regret in his heart. He said in pity, "I'm sorry, Calico Jack. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for judging you. I'm sorry for hurting you."

He waved at him and drove away. He said something he meant with all his honesty.

"Maybe one day, you and Kwazii can make up."

Calico Jack nodded, he sighed "I hope so..." Calico Jack said, Peso went back to the gup-E and went back to the octopod with Kwazii, Calico Jack stayed on the beach..

Calico Jack nodded, he sighed. He heard Peso's words, his tone, his expression. He heard his apology, his pity, his honesty. He felt a flicker of hope and forgiveness. He said in a whisper, "I hope so." He hoped that one day, he and Kwazii could make up. He hoped that one day, he and Kwazii could talk again. He hoped that one day, he and Kwazii could hug again.

He watched Peso go back to the Gup-E and go back to the Octopod with Kwazii. He saw them disappear in the horizon. He saw them leave him behind. He saw them go home. He felt a surge of loneliness and longing. He said in a groan, "I miss you." He missed Kwazii more than anything. He missed his smile, his laugh, his voice. He missed his presence, his warmth, his love.

He stayed on the beach, alone. He looked at the broken compass, lying on the sand. He looked at the broken Gup-B, hanging from the Gup-E. He looked at the broken relationship, torn by his words. He felt a burst of sorrow and grief. He said in a cry, "I'm sorry." He was sorry for what he said. He was sorry for what he did. He was sorry for what he didn't do.

He lay down on the sand, exhausted. He closed his eyes, tired. He dreamed of Kwazii, alive.

days past, and nether Calico Jack and Kwazii had seen each other, Kwazii went on missions and stayed at the octopod, Calico Jack stayed on the beach, he often sat under a tree to take a cat nap, he soon felt a sudden pain in his leg, he looked over and saw a snake, a copperhead...

He was later found by Kwazii.

"Grandad?" Kwazii said going over, Calico Jack looked at him, and smiled "I'm guessing you never forgave me..." Calico Jack said, before closing his eyes, Kwazii got close to Calico Jack, as Peso - who followed kwazii out of the octopod, cause kwazii left so abruptly "Kwazii whats happening?" Peso said, as kwazii looked to a snake... nearby and back at Calico Jack...

Kwazii felt a surge of panic and anger as he saw the snake that had bitten his grandfather. It was a copperhead, a venomous snake that could cause serious harm to humans. He grabbed a stick and chased the snake away, then turned his attention to Calico Jack.

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