AI co-write: Journals, piranhas and Jaguars

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🏴‍☠️Just an au🏴‍☠️


Kwazii sighed, he looked around the library, finding a book, Kwazii accidentally spills ink on Calico Jack's journal while reading it.

"Oh no" Kwazii Siad as he stepped back in shock, calico Jack than walked into the room... 

Calico Jack saw the ink stain on his journal and his eyes widened in anger. He grabbed the journal and glared at Kwazii.

"Ye scurvy scallywag! What have ye done to me journal?" he shouted.

Kwazii flinched and tried to explain. "I-I'm sorry, Grandpa. It was an accident. I was just reading it and-"

"Reading it? Reading it? Ye had no right to read me journal, lad. It's me private property. It's me life story. It's me treasure. And ye ruined it with yer clumsy paws!" Calico Jack interrupted.

Kwazii felt a surge of hurt and resentment. "I didn't mean to ruin it, Grandpa. I was curious about you. I wanted to know more about your adventures. I wanted to be like you."

Calico Jack snorted. "Like me? Ye'll never be like me, lad. Ye're nothing but a troublemaker. A disgrace to the family name. A stain on me legacy."

Kwazii couldn't take it anymore. He ran out of the library, tears streaming down his face. He ran past the other octonauts, who looked at him with concern and confusion. He ran out of the Octopod, into the forest. He didn't care where he was going. He just wanted to get away from his grandfather.

He ran until he reached a river. He stopped and looked at the water. It was dark and murky. He heard a splash and saw a flash of teeth. Piranhas. He shivered and backed away. He realized he was in danger. He turned around and tried to find his way back. But he was lost. He didn't know which way to go. He heard a roar and saw a shadow. A jaguar. He was trapped. He screamed for help. But no one heard him.

Kwazii growled, the Jaquar jumped at him, pushing kwazii under the water... the Piranhas came after them, kwazii struggled to fight both...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had cleaned up his journal and was looking at a picture of him and kwazii... 

Kwazii felt the jaguar's claws digging into his back and the piranhas' teeth biting his tail. He kicked and scratched, but it was no use. He was running out of air and strength. He thought of his grandfather and wished he could say sorry. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

Calico Jack felt a pang of guilt and sadness as he looked at the picture of him and Kwazii. They were smiling and hugging, wearing pirate hats and eye patches. They looked so happy and proud. He remembered how much he loved his grandson and how much he missed him. He realized he had been too harsh and cruel. He wanted to apologize and make things right. He grabbed his coat and hat and ran out of the Octopod. He asked the other octonauts if they had seen Kwazii. They told him he had run into the forest. He followed his tracks and found the river. He heard a splash and a scream. He saw the jaguar and the piranhas. He saw Kwazii.

He didn't hesitate. He jumped into the river and swam towards Kwazii. He grabbed the jaguar by the neck and threw it off Kwazii. He scared away the piranhas with his sword. He lifted Kwazii out of the water and held him in his arms. He checked his pulse and his breathing. He was alive, but barely. He carried him to the shore and laid him down. He pressed his paw on his wound and called for help.

"Kwazii, Kwazii, can ye hear me, lad?" he said.

Kwazii opened his eyes and saw his grandfather's face. He smiled weakly and whispered.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your journal. I love you."

Calico Jack hugged him and cried. "I'm sorry, too, lad. I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you, too."

They held each other and waited for the other octonauts to arrive. They had a lot to talk about and a lot to forgive. But they knew they would be okay. They were family. They were pirates. They were octonauts.

the end....

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