AI co-write: Ruined hats, Poison gas, Storm

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii sighed, he was cleaning his grandfather's souvenir hat, when he accidentally dropped it into a puddle of Oil that Tweak had Accidentally left when she was fixing the gups... "uh... Opps" Kwazii said... 

Calico Jack entered the room a few seconds later and saw kwazii next to the oil covered hat...

Calico Jack was shocked and furious when he saw his hat soaked in oil. He snatched it from Kwazii's paws and glared at him.

"What have you done, you scurvy scallywag?" he shouted. "You've ruined me hat, me precious hat!"

"I-I'm sorry, Grandpa," Kwazii stammered. "It was an accident, I swear. I was just trying to clean it for you."

"Clean it? Clean it?" Calico Jack repeated, incredulous. "You've made it worse, much worse! Look at it, it's all dirty and greasy and smelly!"

He threw the hat on the floor and stomped on it, making Kwazii flinch.

"This hat was a gift from me old captain, Captain Blackbeard," he continued, his voice full of anger and sadness. "He gave it to me on the day I became his first mate. It was a symbol of me pirate pride and honor. And you've destroyed it, you've destroyed it all!"

He pointed a finger at Kwazii and spat out his words.

"You're no pirate, Kwazii. You're a worthless and weak pirate. You don't deserve to wear this hat, or to be part of the octonauts. You're a disgrace to me and to the pirate name!"

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and anger in his chest. He couldn't believe what his grandfather was saying. He loved him, he admired him, he wanted to be like him. But now, he felt like he had lost his respect and his love.

He clenched his fists and his teeth and looked away.

"Fine, Grandpa. Fine," he said, his voice trembling. "If that's what you think of me, then I don't want to be here. I don't want to be your grandson, or your crewmate, or your friend. I don't want to be anything to you!"

He turned around and ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face. He grabbed his helmet and his spyglass and headed to the launch bay. He saw his Gup-B, the only thing that still made him happy, and jumped inside. He started the engine and sped away from the Octopod, without looking back.

He didn't know where he was going, or what he was doing. He just wanted to get away from his grandfather, from his words, from his hurt. He wanted to find a place where he could be alone, where he could forget everything.

He drove his Gup-B aimlessly, ignoring the warnings and alerts from the Octopod. He didn't care about the dangers or the risks. He just wanted to be free.

He soon found himself in a toxic area, where the water was murky and foul. He saw signs of pollution and waste, such as oil spills, plastic bags, and metal scraps. He felt disgusted and angry at the humans who had caused this mess.

He decided to stop his Gup-B and take a closer look. He put on his helmet and opened the hatch. He stepped out of his Gup-B and walked around, using his spyglass to scan the area.

He saw some fish and plants that had been affected by the toxins. They looked sick and weak, some of them even dead. He felt sorry for them and wanted to help them. He wished he had Peso with him, or Shellington, or Dashi. They would know what to do.

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