AI co-write: 👟Storm of Regret: The Reckless Rift👟 🌂Alt acc story🌂

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Ships: Barnacles × Kwazii, paani × Shellington

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Ships: Barnacles × Kwazii, paani × Shellington

Timeline: Post Above and beyond s2, pre above and beyond s3



In a reckless accident, Kwazii destroys something precious inside Shellington's laboratory, escalating into a tempestuous quarrel between the two. Kwazii flees the scene, venturing out into the merciless grip of a raging storm. The Octonauts and Calico Jack, Kwazii's sagacious grandfather, are left grappling with the ominous realization of his disappearance. Time becomes the enemy as they race against the relentless storm, desperately searching for their missing friend.


One day, Kwazii entered Shellington's lab, looking for him... but he was not their... he looked around... he saw A vile, it had a pick Liquid in it... he walked over, Accidentally knocking a black necklace into the vile...

Shellington walked in as it happened "Kwazii what did you do!?" He growled... Angered and upset...

"I-I di-didn't mean to" Kwazii said...

but Shellington's patience had shattered "do you have any idea what you've done, Kwazii!?" Shellington growled "that was the thunder serum- years of research down the drain!" he shouted angrily...

"Shellington I'm sorry I-" Kwazii started...

"Sorry!?" Shellington started... stepping closer... like an inch from Kwazii's face... "You're stupidity could have endangered the whole ocean!!" Shellington screamed....

"I'll fix it.." Kwazii said... but shellington already shook his head "there is no fixing this!" Shellington shouted loudly and angrily... slapping him...

"Just leave Kwazii" Shellington growled...

Kwazii ran out...


Octonauts oneshots 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora