AI Co-Write: deleted data, Map, Storm, Forgiveness, or..

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


One day Kwazii was getting Some hot chocolate for peso, he walked into the medical bay, looking for him, but tripped and the hot chocolate fell into Peso's open Medical bag, the octonauts walked in and saw what he had done "HOW COULD YOU?" Tweak said, Peso walked over to his supplies... "Peso... I-" Kwazii started, but Peso stopped him "Save it..." Peso said as he took the kit and walked away...

Barnacles glared at kwazii... 

Barnacles glared at Kwazii, who looked ashamed and scared. "Kwazii, what were you thinking?" Barnacles asked sternly. "You know how important Peso's medical kit is. He needs it to help the creatures of the ocean."

"I-I'm sorry, Cap'n. It was an accident. I didn't mean to spill the hot chocolate. I was just trying to do something nice for Peso," Kwazii explained.

"Nice? You call this nice?" Barnacles said, pointing at the ruined supplies. "You've just wasted Peso's hard work and put the lives of the creatures in danger. How could you be so selfish and careless?"

"Selfish? Careless?" Kwazii repeated, feeling hurt and angry. "I'm not selfish or careless. I'm a good pirate and a good octonaut. I've always helped you and the others on your missions. I've always risked my life for the ocean. How can you say such things to me?"

"Enough, Kwazii. You've done enough damage for today. I think it's best if you leave the octopod and stay away from us. We don't need you here anymore," Barnacles said coldly.

"What? You're kicking me out?" Kwazii asked, shocked and heartbroken. "But Cap'n, you can't do that. You're my friend. You're my family. Please, don't do this to me."

"I'm sorry, Kwazii, but this is the final straw. You've crossed the line this time. You've shown us that you don't care about us or the ocean. You've shown us that you're not a true octonaut. You don't belong here. Now go, and don't come back," Barnacles said firmly.

Kwazii felt tears in his eyes as he looked at Barnacles and the other octonauts, who all looked angry and disappointed at him. He felt a surge of pain and betrayal in his chest. He couldn't believe that they were turning their backs on him. He couldn't believe that they were throwing him out of his home.

He turned around and ran out of the medical bay, grabbing his pirate hat and his eyepatch. He ran to the launch bay, where he saw the Gup-B, his favorite gup. He jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine. He looked at the octopod one last time, hoping that someone would stop him and tell him that it was all a mistake. But no one came. No one cared.

He pressed a button and opened the octo-hatch. He drove the Gup-B out of the octopod and into the open ocean. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know what he was going to do. He only knew that he had lost everything he loved. He had lost his friends. He had lost his family. He had lost his crew.

He had lost the octonauts.

Kwazii drove far away... soon running into Calico Jack, who agreed to take him to his pirate cove, kwazii met some other pirates, Somebody gave him a drink, but kwazii decided to hand it to his grandfather as he didn't like the drink... but he spilled it on Calico Jack's flag, Calico Jack walked over "Ima just take kwazii outside for a moment..." Calico Jack said, dragging him, as soon as they were out of the cove...

Calico Jack clawed kwazii's eye... Calico Jack was too angry to see he had caused a wound on kwazii's eye...  

Kwazii felt a sharp pain in his eye as Calico Jack clawed him. He screamed and fell to the ground, clutching his face. He felt blood dripping from his wound.

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