AI co-write: dangerous creatures, 'Friendly' fire, volcanic island, forgive

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii was trying to feed a swarm of electric eels inside Octopod's aquarium, but he accidentally releases them.. 

after a while, the other octonauts got them back "HOW COULD YOU?!" Tweak growled "Kwazii get out... you're no longer an octonaut..." Barnacles growled...

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and anger as he heard Barnacles' words. He couldn't believe that his friends would turn against him so easily. He tried to explain that it was an accident, that he didn't mean to release the electric eels, but they wouldn't listen. They just glared at him with contempt and disappointment.

"Fine, then. I don't need you. I don't need anyone. I'll be better off on my own," Kwazii said, trying to sound defiant, but his voice cracked with emotion.

He grabbed his pirate hat and his spyglass and stormed out of the Octopod. He swam away as fast as he could, not looking back. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from the octonauts and their accusations.

He swam for a long time, until he reached a part of the ocean he had never seen before. He saw a large ship with a skull and crossbones flag flying in the wind. He recognized it as a pirate ship, and he felt a pang of curiosity and nostalgia. He wondered if there were any pirates on board, and if they would welcome him.

He decided to take a closer look, and he swam closer to the ship. He saw a rope ladder hanging from the side, and he climbed it. He reached the deck and looked around. He saw several pirates busy with various tasks, such as steering, cleaning, or loading cannons. They didn't seem to notice him, or they didn't care.

He walked around the deck, admiring the ship and its features. He saw a large wheel, a compass, a map, a telescope, and a parrot. He felt a familiar thrill of adventure and excitement. He wondered if he could join the pirate crew and live a life of freedom and fun.

He was about to approach one of the pirates and ask for permission, when he heard a loud voice behind him.

"Ahoy, there! Who are you and what are you doing on my ship?"

Kwazii turned around and saw a tall, muscular pirate with a long beard and a hook for a hand. He wore a red coat, a black hat, and a gold earring. He had a sword at his side and a pistol in his hand. He looked fierce and formidable, but also familiar.

Kwazii gasped and said, "Grandpa?"

The pirate looked surprised and said, "Kwazii? Is that you, lad?"

He lowered his weapon and smiled. He walked towards Kwazii and hugged him.

"Kwazii, my boy, it's been so long! How are you? What are you doing here?"

Kwazii hugged him back and said, "Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! I'm fine, I guess. I'm here because... well, it's a long story."

He told Calico Jack everything that had happened. He told him how he had accidentally released the electric eels, how the octonauts had blamed him and kicked him out, and how he had found his ship.

Calico Jack listened to his story and shook his head.

"That's terrible, lad. I'm sorry to hear that. Those octonauts are no good. They don't appreciate you or your pirate spirit. They don't deserve you."

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