34. Take it easy

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"... wake up beautiful..."
Charisma opened her eyes to a tray of fruit and yoghurt, OJ and coffee. She stretched and sat up, "what's this?.."

"Just a token of my appreciation for you

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"Just a token of my appreciation for you... I haven't been able to sleep all night... C you're gonna make me a daddy again... You know I wanted a baby with you, fuck everything else I said and all the bullshit I put you through it was only ever gonna be you..." Keegan said.

She smiled. " I have to go in to my trap today I heard from Kaylan yesterday and it seems that we're having some issues with the triads... we knew they only went quiet while they regrouped, we also knew that Mae's brothers were coming after I killed her, so...

Keegan rested his hand on her leg. "Ion want you doing anything... I wasn't born yesterday, I know that you're older, and having a baby, for you at this time is very risky, I am a man of the world... I understand more than you realise... So I'm taking over everything because I really need you to relax and look after yo self and my baby.."

Charisma looked at him. "I'm scared...

"what is it that you're scared of?"

"if this baby has any complications, wether anything happens to me during this pregnancy or during birth... And you, you have a tumour... You were in a coma, just a few weeks ago... And it isn't a given that you're okay...."

"I'm checking in with my doctors today, I haven't been pushing it... And I am feeling amazing right now... let me worry about me, also let me worry about you... I'm asking you please, just stand down until the baby is born... you know I got this.." he said to her.

She nodded. "Okay... please let me know what the doctor says... truthfully..."

"if you're that bothered, and you need to know then you have to come with me... I don't want to do anything to stress you out... so if you need to have a resolution for peace of mind, then come with me.." he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
He got up. "I need to head out, I have to go check on some things.. I'll come back and pick you up around midday..." he smiled. "Damn, I love you..." he added and winked at her as he left.


".... Pops?..."

"Janae baby... how are you?.."

"I'm good." She answered as she picked up a video call from her granddad.

"We have found Storm, she is in a terrible position right now in the hospital

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"We have found Storm, she is in a terrible position right now in the hospital... I need some answers baby girl... I need you to be as truthful as you can with me... Because a couple of weeks ago she gave birth and that baby boy is in intensive care because she wasn't fit enough to look after him... She has had a psychotic break and I need to know what led her here?.." Jenson asked her.

Janae looked down and was quiet for a second. "She and Sully weren't getting along as usual... everything was fine when they first came out here, they were in love and all over each other, and she was so happy... but then, she started to change and wear more revealing clothing... be out partying with the people she worked with in that salon... it got pretty bad, and there were some nights she wasn't coming home at all and Donovan and Sully tried to go look for her... but they could never find her, her phone was off and she was God knows where... doing God knows what... we were all frantic, but then all of a sudden she would just turn up a few days later....


Janae nodded. " You've got to understand Pops, that was why we weren't surprised when she disappeared... She was doing it all the time it was as if it was second nature.... As time went on she and Sully completely fell apart... they constantly argued, she even hit him a few times... but he would never hit her back...

"Do you know anything about where she was going or who she was seeing?.." Jenson asked.

"You're not gonna like it... but you need to know... she met someone, he is older.. he is mean... she was infatuated with him... he has a name here in the UK and he runs the underworld of the UK... he calls himself 'The Devil'... for a woman, if he has his sites set on you, then you don't have a choice... Someone she worked with introduced them to each other, and then things just started to go downhill very quickly for her.."

"Aite, thank you for telling me...

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"She'll be fine, and when she is more coherent, I will have a conversation with her about all of this..." he paused. "let Donovan and Sully know that I'll be in touch with them later, because I need to understand who this motherfucker is.. and any information they can get me would be much appreciated before I snap this motherfucker in two.."


Lamar knocked the door and waited. Demi opened up with a smile. "Hey Mar... come in..."

The kids were rushing about getting their things together ready to spend the weekend with their dad. Lamar walked through to the kitchen and stood waiting.
Chloe walked in. "They'll be a few minutes.." she said quietly. She wouldn't look him in his face. She carried on getting their bags ready for their weekend sleepover.

Lamar watched her

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Lamar watched her. "Chloe... we can talk... we need to be civil for the kids..."

"It hurts me enough Lamar, to just see you here... I don't wanna talk to you.. because it opens up wounds...

"Wounds?.." he shook his head. "Wounds you inflicted on yo self..."

"If you've come here to have another go at me, then just don't bother okay.. I'm trying to live with the stupid ass decision I made as it is... I don't need to keep reliving it.." she said.

"Hey kids... are you ready?.." he asked as they both came into the kitchen to collect their bags.

"Hey dad!." Christopher said, he was getting so grown now. Aimee just wanted to hug him, she missed seeing him daily.

"Go have a good time kids..." she said and walked away leaving Lamar to leave the house with the kids.

He packed the kids and their bags into his car, and just as he was about to get in himself Demi came out of the house. "Lamar... Her drinking has taken a step up... You know I worry about it when she drinks and so does her mother... I know that whatever has happened between you two means that really I shouldn't be asking you, but the last thing I want to do is see her go on a downward spiral with the kids to look after, I don't want them to be subjected to that..."

Lamar sighed. "Look, it really is none of my business until it has something to do with the kids... At the moment, she seems very much together if I walk in and try to tell her about something that hasn't happened yet, she's gonna hate me even more, and I want everything to be amicable for the kids sake...."

"She is out all weekend with some of her friends that she knew from college... I just feel like it's a recipe for disaster, that's all... But I understand, I'll see if she'll listen to me..." she said and headed back inside....

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