31. Big Brother

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Jase felt privileged to be able to drive Keegan's phantom as Keegan sat in the back with Storm and the baby to make sure they were both okay.

Storm was completely out of it, her medication was causing her to sleep, meaning Keegan could concentrate on the baby. The baby was hungry and too weak to cry.
"Take us straight to the hospital... this baby won't make it otherwise, he's on his last..."

"What the hell man..." Jase said as he drove. "I can't believe it.. the last time I saw her she was together...

"Yeah, well that is because she was being checked on regularly with her medication and having it modified where needed..." he looked at the baby as he kept him close to him to keep the baby warm. "She called him Keegan..."

"Well, you may not realise it but that would be obvious....I know what happened between you two... but she really did form a bond with you...just like she did with Nash... her uncle ass.." Jase shook his head. "Keaton did some fucked up shit to her and he ruined her mind...

"And everyone just wanted it to go away.. they thought ending the mother fucker would end her pain..." he shook his head.

"Keegan bro

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"Keegan bro... I can call you bro right?.." he said being cautious.
Keegan glared at him in the rear view mirror.
"Aite.. just Keegan then...

"Naw.. unfortunately for me you are my brother, we do share the same blood... but what you did to my son I'm still side eyeing you for... and you know if you put one foot outta line I will ensure you never walk again... understood?.."

He nodded. "Yeah, totally.."

"So what were you about to say?.."

"That I wish you would have known Storm when she was younger... she was amazing, she was so full of life and so funny... you only know her from what happened with you two... and that was never Storm..."

Keegan nodded. "I hear that... most of us are born with a blank canvas and it is down to whichever path life chooses to throw our way that shapes us... I understand her now, more than I once did... she needed help as did I... we both had shit in our lives that made us a lil outta control...
Jase raised his eyebrows at him in the mirror and he noticed,

"Nothing... I just know you were definitely more than a lil outta control...

"Fair.." Keegan smirked. "But I get it.." he looked at Storm. "I get her now.."

They carried on to the hospital.


".... Lamar... stop...

Lamar stopped kissing and undressing Chantal in the bedroom and looked at her. "What?."

"I don't know... I guess I feel like I could be a rebound thing for you...

"That is not the case

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"That is not the case..

"Okay, so only a few weeks ago you were happy in a relationship with the mother of your kids and now... she is a distant memory.... When you kissed me like you did in front of her to rile her just a couple of nights ago... am I wrong?." She asked him.

"Listen... it is over with me and her.. there is nothing that she can do.." he sat up and put his shirt back on. "But I respect you.. and I can wait.. if you need me to prove to you how much I like you, and I wanna be with you then I'm cool with that.."

She smiled and pulled him to face her kissing his lips. "And that is why you are a good man.. I just want to be sure, okay, the last thing I want is to be hurt by you. You are someone I have always admired and secretly crushed on since we were kids... If there is going to be something between us, I want it to be right... I don't want to end up being bitter and twisted and hating you... when I've spent so long dreaming about you and wanting you.." she told him.

"Okay... so, you wanna watch a movie....
He stopped suddenly as the front don't opened with a bang downstairs. He jumped up and ran downstairs to see Charlotte with Julian.
"What the fuck is going on?." He said.

Charlotte ran upstairs to her room. Julian shook his head. "She is on one because we have detained her fucking pimp!.. she fucking bit me...

"She did what?.."

"Yeah... because we took him to the hold and we wouldn't let her talk to him. She tried to smash up Jago's car and because I tried to stop her she fucking bit me.."

He sighed. "Aite I'll talk to her... text dad and let him know you have him.."
Julian nodded and left.

Lamar headed upstairs and knocked on Charlotte's door. She opened it and looked at him. "Can I talk to you.."

She opened it fully and let him in. "He doesn't deserve this...

"He hit you, sold yo body to other men... and he doesn't deserve to be beaten to shit..." Lamar said frowning at her.

"No one will listen to me... he wasn't like that..

"Maybe he wasn't Charlotte.. but he is now.. the money, turned him... now he's greedy for it.. and he won't let you stop..."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand...

"You're right I don't... I don't understood you women at all... you like this, you like to be beaten, treated like shit instead of being treated like queens.... Yall are crazy... but he ain't going anywhere until dad is back, you know that..." he walked out and shut the door.

Charlotte just sat on her bed, she didn't want Trent hurt, she was adamant that he loved her and she loved him.

Lamar returned to the bedroom. "I'm sorry about that." He smiled at Chantal.

" He smiled at Chantal

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"It's fine... shall we watch this movie?.."
He jumped on the bed beside her and hugged her into him as they turned on the movie.


Jase and Keegan got Storm and the baby into the hospital and they were both being looked after as a matter of urgency.
"Go and call yo mom... tell her she needs to get here asap!.."

Jase headed off. Keegan felt sad, immediately the one person he needed was his heart and soul. He called Charisma.
"Hey.." she said in a whisper as she picked up.

"Why are you whispering...

"Our bed is currently at full capacity... Venice, Harlow, Lani and Thea... I never realised that this queen sized bed could hold so many people at once..."
She paused. "Are you okay?.."

"No, I'm not okay... Storm had been missing for months and I found her... she's in a bad way.... C she had had a fucking baby and no one knew... she was living in an abandoned apartment with no heat or electricity... and the baby, well I don't even know if the baby is gonna make it... and she called him Keegan?..." he said, her naming the baby after him really had hit him, he felt bad for not checking on her before now himself.

Charisma could hear in his voice how upset he was. "But you found her and you are doing your best for her right now... but ultimately... she has parents and other siblings... why did no one see this that was closer to her at the time... I mean how long has it actually been since anyone has seen her if nobody knew she was pregnant?..."

"Ion know... I know she slipped on her meds... I don't like seeing her that way.. that was awful...

"Keegan... you found her and because of you she will be okay.. just remember that..." she paused. "And I love you.... So much..."

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