30. In its purist form

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Charisma lay in bed silent, thinking about everything. She needed to tell Keegan she was pregnant and that the ceasefire between her and Payton was short lived and the battle was very much back on again. She was hurt that her baby girl was naming her daughter after the woman who had taken the heart of her man if only for a short while.
Her hormones got the better of her and after a while she came to tears, alone, so no one saw.

She didn't hear Venice come in, Venice stood outside her bedroom door and heard her mom sobbing. She pushed the door open, and as she did, Charisma's quick reflexes meant Venice was staring down the barrel of her gun.
"Shit... Venice baby... you should have called out or something.... I could have shot you..."

"I can see that.. damn, ain't no flies on you." She smirked. She climbed on the bed next to her mom. "Why were you crying...

"I wasn't crying...

"Yes you were... talk to me mom.... You're so elusive... none of us get to spend time with you much anymore... I miss my mama bear...

"So you thought you would wait until the dead of night and sneak up on a bitch!..."

Venice laughed out loud

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Venice laughed out loud. "Hardly the dead of night mom.. it's 7.30..." she snuggled into her mom, just as she did as a small child.

Charisma looked at her and kissed the tip of her nose. "It's been a long time since I did that... I used to all the time... have you up in my bed sleeping next to me when your dad was doing... well, whatever your dad did back then... before you were cruelly taken from...

"Mom..." she said putting her hand on hers. "It's okay... and I'm here now... And I love you... but why were you crying?.." she asked her again.

Charisma was quiet for a second. "Oh hell, I need to talk to someone and I know I can count on you...." She took a deep breath. "I'm.... I'm pregnant...

"Whoa!... what.... Now that I wasn't expecting....

"Turns out your dads lil soldiers fight just as hard as he does... and are just as stubborn..."

Venice smiled. "Awww a baby brother or sister, I love this..."

"Venice... I'm worried... I'm older, my body is going through changes... I know how much your dad wanted another baby... but...

"Mom, take it each day at a time... you're not alone... you have all of us...."

"Well, you would think ...

"What does that mean?.."

"I went to see Payton a lil while ago... she's better... at least she has a renewed hate for me... she told me she is naming the baby Alana Rose... after the only mother she really knew... and then she said that I needed to leave her baby alone,  and the only reason that I wanted to raise her was because I was too old and past it to have one of my own, and that was why your dad slept with younger women... like Alana....

Queens of the game book 5 Where stories live. Discover now