25. To be read

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".... Hey unc... long time no speak...

"Yeah. It's been a while Janae...

"Are you calling about Storm?.."

Keegan sighed

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Keegan sighed. "Yeah... I need to get the background, I'm hoping that you can help me... First of all, why did they break up and secondly how long ago was it?..."

"Well... her, and Sully got into it one day because she was talking to some guy that she met at her new job... You know she has this kind of addictive personality, so she became attached to the guy and he became more than just a friend to her... Sully and she argued for a long time and then decided to break it off..."

"How long ago?.."

"it was in April, so five months ago now...

"Janae ... the second she didn't show up at her job was that not some kind of alarm bell to you?.."

"You need to understand how Storm can be, she has bipolar, and she disappears, goes into herself, and nobody knows where she is, and then all of a sudden she'll just resurface... But I know that it's been too long now and that was why I spoke to Nana Lena..."

" Okay, so tell me who is the guy she was talking to or getting close to at her job?..."

"His name is Dane... He says that he hasn't seen her either, he's still working every day at the salon..." she paused. "Sully, is really upset because he has tried everything possible to find her, but she's just nowhere to be found... i'm worried about her uncle Keegan..."

"Aite... I will see what I can do from here, but it may mean that I have to come to the UK, I don't really want to go to the UK because me and Sully, well we don't really get on... but I have been tasked with finding out what's happened to my sister... so I'll do whatever I need to do to find her you can rest assured okay?.."

"Thank you." She said and the call ended.

"Damn it Storm!." He said to himself.


"Hello Charisma." The nurse said with a big smile. " You are actually in for a treat today... we were able to let baby girl free of her incubator and all these tubes and wires, she has done so well... which means you can hold her..."

Charisma had a huge smile on her face as she the nurse placed her in her arms. "Oh my god.. she is so beautiful." Charisma said not able to take her eyes off of the tiny bundle. She was holding in her arms.

 She was holding in her arms

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