Chapter 55:

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Ming Ci Yue looked at the person in his arms and looked up at him with hazy eyes. He lowered his head and wanted to respond to the look with practical actions, but he saw the man push him away reservedly and stood staggeringly. stable.

Ji Zheng: ...

Ming Ci Yue: ...

Ji Zheng: "Emperor... Commander, are you coming to the bathhouse too?"

Ming Ci Yue: ...

Just as he was about to speak to the sage, his words changed again, "You raise your head."

Ji Zheng's movements stopped, his whole body tensed up, he pressed the brim of his hat, pressed it again, raised it slightly, looked out from the shadow, and looked at Ming Ci Yue carefully.

Ming Ci Yue heard it clearly now, ["Fortunately, it was a little late. If I happened to meet you in the bathhouse, I would definitely be recognized by the uncle after taking off my clothes."]

There is no such thing as two or two fierce wines, but as long as there are two snacks, not so much.

The sage did not say a word, and traveled thousands of miles to the military camp in dismay, dressed as a little **** in an attempt to deceive and test himself, and drank so much alcohol when he was not there, he would strip off with others and go to the bathhouse without any precautions.

If I were a quarter of an hour later, I'm afraid I would have to go in and pick up the little sage from a bunch of naked and rough men.

Ming Ci frowned more and suppressed his anger.

"What did you call me?"

Ji Zheng simply called out again: "Master."

His mind was completely smothered by alcohol, he didn't realize what was going on, and he was still performing his own performance, but... Why did Mingci look at one of his little servants with more and more hot eyes , with a little anger, but as if he wanted to burn him naked.

Ji Zheng only heard Ming Ci raised his voice and said, "Since you still know that this is a military camp, then do you know what's the crime of playing in the military camp at night?"

Ji Zheng was flustered and confused. He was a high-ranking emperor. When had he been questioned so harshly, and he had never had the chance to see how his uncle treated his subordinates.

Seeing that Mingci walked behind the tent with his hands behind his back, he obediently followed after knowing that he was wrong.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked to the back of the tent, they were pushed over onto the tent. The figures of the two were stacked together, and the soft tent cloth was pressed out into a large human shape. , you will be able to find out how red-faced the shape is.

"What's to blame, eh?"

The breath of Ming Ciyue enveloped him from both sides. The faint rosin and rosin he used to carry on his body when he was in the palace disappeared. At this moment, it was a familiar and unfamiliar smell, the smell of the desert, the dryness of sand and stone, and the warmth of sand and stone. With a faint lingering smell of blood.

Closing his eyes, Ji Zheng almost felt that he was facing a wolf, a very hungry wolf.

He was trying his best to lean back, but his legs were maliciously separated, and the tent cloth behind him couldn't find a support point. After a while, he couldn't support it anymore, and a thin layer of sweat broke out all over his body.

Soon, a big hand fu. came up and got under the dirty **** suit, exposing his skin to the dry and cold desert air, to the tips of the wolf's claws.

Uncle Huang's thumb is so dry, it seems that deep and shallow holes have been cracked along the texture of the calluses.

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