Chapter 47:

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The gate of the hall was wide open, and all the Leren students had been intimidated by Ming Ciyue's eyes and fled out. The servants and guards outside the door had already been cleaned up. Bianstone's cold wind rushed in, raised layers of curtains high, stirred up the scalding ambiguity, and slapped on the body that did not meet Yi Si.

Expose their secrets in this night.

Ji Zheng's thin and thin back was exposed to the cold air of the cold night. It was a bright and bright crescent moon, which curved into a breathtaking arc in front of the man.

If the tenderness and comfort given to him by Ming Yue in the first two times was to lift him up into the sky and kill him, the brutality and punishment this time drag him into a quagmire, unable to survive or die.

He didn't know if Ming Ci really didn't know it, or if he was out of breath tonight on purpose, not giving him the slightest time to adapt, and not giving him any room to breathe.


The two took a deep breath at the same time.

Both sides could feel the pain penetrating into the bone marrow, the pain that would tear people apart.

Ji Zheng rested his elbows on the couch, raised his head back, the neck made of jade stretched out, and the crescent moon curved more beautifully. He wanted to get out of the shackles, like a fish out of water, suffocating and suffocating until he blushed because of the lack of oxygen, he just wanted to ask for a comforting kiss to give him air.

Ming Ci was more silent, paused for a moment, and pressed him back. Always only let him turn his back to himself, and do not want to meet his eyes.

Ji Zheng was stunned between the pillows for a long time, and then he reacted sluggishly. This is by no means a pleasure between lovers. This is a game, a torture purely to satisfy the perverted desire for control.

The whimper was locked into the jade pillow, muffled and hoarse. He finally recovered half of his strength and trembled and scolded: "Go away, go away, Uncle Huang, woo-Ming Ciyue, you, he, **** it, get out of here!"

"Come here, come here, escort..." His voice was weak like a mosquito humming, even so, the strong desire to survive made him crawl outside while shouting.

Ming Ci Yue knelt on the spot, straightened and didn't move, and when he was halfway to escape, he pulled him back easily when he pulled his ankle.

"Who do you want to escort?" Ming Ci opened his mouth and said the first sentence from just now, "Looking for those students just now, or Li Ruhai, or... Gu Congyun? I can help you find them to escort."

His voice was still calm, but there was a rare fluctuation in the tidal sea, and he breathed slightly, "It's just that there has never been an example of humiliating the sage before, and there is no applicable law to judge a minister. No complaints. If the sage can still remember the old feelings of the past, the minister only wants to cut the title, get rid of the royal family, demote it to the commoner, fill the minister into the northwest army camp, let the minister guard the border for life, and be with the sand and stone."

"The minister will not marry and have a family, and there will be no descendants. The Ming family's grievances and grievances are now over, and the minister will not threaten to interfere in the Ji family's dynasty in the future."

Ji Zheng's eyes widened slightly, and it took a few seconds to realize the meaning of this sentence. He ignored the pain in the tear and turned to meet him, "Is this your intention to torture me?! You used me to get rid of it all. The old enemy of your family wants to force me to remove the insulting title of prince for you, return your innocence, and let you leave the capital."

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