Chapter 53: Ambiguity

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Tongshan returned home and told Guan about going back to the restaurant to make steamed buns. At first he was a little unhappy, but after hearing the conditions, he looked so happy that he wanted to tell the whole village.

"It seems that your shopkeeper is also a good person?" Mr. Guan said happily. His daughter will not have to be exposed to the wind and sun in the future, and she will earn twice as much silver as before.

This is really a happy event. His daughter is now successful. If she stays there for a long time, her life will be more stable in the future. When Ashan marries a husband and has a child, she will not have to worry about life.

"The shopkeeper is really nice." Tongshan agreed. When she worked as a waiter in a restaurant, she never treated her badly. Although she was a bit stingy, the shopkeeper was still easy to talk to as long as she didn't talk about things that would hurt money.

"Okay!" Mr. Guan said good twice, clasped his hands and faced the door and muttered: "The ancestors of the Tong family bless you, I hope Tongshan's life will be smoother in the future."

Tongshan secretly glanced at the person who was talking, and looked at him again. She looked at the empty door and scratched her neck. Dad was still so superstitious.

Although Tongshan didn't believe this, she didn't dare to interrupt his chanting and praying.

It wasn't until she finished reciting silently that Mr. Guan raised his hand and patted her arm: "You came back late today, and it's past noon. There are still some leftovers in the kitchen. Go and heat them up to fill your stomach."

"No need, Dad..." Tongshan unconsciously touched her slightly full belly and said with a naive smile: "When I was in the restaurant just now, the shopkeeper already invited me to lunch."

It's rare for the shopkeeper to be so generous. Almost all the famous dishes in the restaurant were ordered on the table, and Tongshan ate very happily.

"This...the shopkeeper won't deduct money from your money?" Guan asked with some worry. After all, with such a high amount of money, he was afraid that these business people would be too shrewd. Just put a random hat on it and you can deduct silver coins at will.

But don’t just agree to double the monthly silver, and then it will be deducted immediately.

"No." Tongshan walked to the table, poured a cup of tea, handed it to him, and comforted: "The shopkeeper is a very nice person, she would not do such a thing, and this meal was indeed invited by the shopkeeper, Dad, don't worry."

If the shopkeeper really deceived her, she would just leave, which would be very worrying.

Hearing her affirmative tone, Mr. Guan felt a lot more at ease. He pushed away the tea she handed him. He had already drank a lot of tea today. Such a happy event should be celebrated with a small drink.

An idea flashed in his mind. With a happy face, Guan took out the small jar of wine that the child from the Ye family gave him last time from his bedroom, turned around and went out.

"Daddy, where are you going?"

"I'll go to Adan's house and come back later to cook for you." After that, he had already left the door happily.

Tongshan knew her father very well. Just by looking at his cheerful expression, she knew that he must be showing off to someone.

Inexplicably, she sympathize with Uncle A'dan. Dad's show-off is the kind that even if you don't want to hear it, he will find a way to make you listen.

Just like usual chatter, even if Tongshan was silent, Guan could talk to himself for two quarters of an hour.

Shaking her head helplessly, Tongshan turned around and cleaned up the debris in the yard. There were still beans on the ground that Guan had not finished picking. He liked to cook bean porridge when the weather was hot.

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