99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*

Começar do início

Massimo saw Maya's car making its way out on the road. He knew she was a smart, independent woman, but the thought of her driving a car in such speed during such condition, it was making him a little mad. According to him, she shouldn't even be working, she should just stay inside, rest and relax. He might sound like a possessive caveman, but he didn't care. What he knew was that he cared a lot for Maya and he definitely had started to care a lot more for his unborn baby as well.

Massimo turned on the engine of his car and then he was on the road as well, his car following behind Maya's car. He didn't know if Maya had noticed him yet or not, but he had been following her from home to work and from work to home, making sure that she was safely reaching her destination.

Massimo saw Maya's car slowing down. As he looked at the front he saw no red signal, then why did she slow down the car, he thought to himself. Massimo slowed down his car as well, waiting to see why she did it and as he looked in her direction, he saw Maya approaching a woman who was carrying a boy in her one arm. In her other arm, the woman was carrying some balloons and roses, she probably was selling them. Her condition looked poor to Massimo given how the woman only had a thin cardigan over her body, while the kid had a sweater with holes on arms and shoulders.

Massimo saw how Maya had brought the car to the side, so as to not create any traffic behind. Massimo did the same. He saw Maya coming out of the car, a smile on her face as she said something to them. She then gently caressed the cheek of the little boy, who only looked at her with hesitant eyes but did smile at her anyway.

Maya then said something more to the woman, and then reached inside her wallet and handed her what Massimo could guess was probably money. With yet another smile on their way, Maya took a balloon from the woman and after giving a last gentle caress to the little boy's cheek, Maya got inside her car, waved at them and then she was back on the road.

Massimo looked around, noticing how no one was giving any importance to the poor woman. Forget about importance, they weren't even glancing her way. Though a man did glance her way but only to tell her to get away from his path. But other than that it was like she and her little boy didn't even exist for the people.

And yet Maya managed to not only notice the woman but she also stopped by and bought a balloon from her. A balloon that she probably had no use of, but she did buy it anyway because she was just so damn selfless, and a wonderful woman Massimo had ever met or would ever meet in his life!

Massimo couldn't be more prouder to call this woman his. He felt so unworthy because there was no way he'd ever be able to be like her, but he also felt so fortunate because he got to have Maya. That wonderful woman was his!

Not wasting any time, Massimo got out of his car while he dialled Nicolas' (the man who was his assigned driver here in The US) number and then told him what he needed to do.

"Si capo." Was all Nicolas said in return. He didn't show any surprise nor did he question as to why his capo wanted him to come right now at the given place, take this poor woman and her kid to a mall first to buy some new clothes, then bring them some food and then later provide her with a generous amount of money.
(Yes boss)

Putting his phone back, Massimo made his way towards that woman. He tried not to look intimidating, because the last thing he needed was to scare away the poor woman and his kid.

"How much for these Roses?" He asked, trying his best not to sound too hard.

The woman obviously wasn't expecting a man like Massimo to approach her. To her he looked quite rich, who could easily get flowers from some big shop. Not someone who'd approach a poor roadside seller like her.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora