Maya realised that and with being pregnant, she could very well relate to her mother's situation.

Sophia could see the understanding look on her daughter's face. It was more like a soon to be mom who was looking at her than her daughter. Sophia couldn't help but to let out a sob as she realised how instead of holding any grudges against her, Maya understood her situation.

"I-I'm so sorry my dear....I'm so sorry." Sophia began to apologize as she started to slowly weep.

Maya gently pulled her mom in for a hug and let her weep on her shoulder while Sophia continued to apologize to Maya.

If Maya wanted she could've stayed upset with her mom, she could've even asked her to move out, but she did none. Because her being pregnant made her realise a few things. Out of which, one was how a mother could do anything if it came to the safety of her child. And Sophia had done exactly that. Yes, Maya had been upset but now she realised everything and decided to forgive her mom. Maybe if she wasn't pregnant she would've taken a lot of time, but as a soon to be mom, it helped her see things from a mother's perspective and it helped her realise her mom's situation.


It was now Maya's 13th week into her pregnancy. In her last appointment, Maya had finally found out about her due date, which was around 6 months from now. Since currently it was December, her due date would be around the month of June, the next year.

Maya was both nervous and excited, with other different kinds of emotions, all at the same time. Also, she could now very well see the bump on her lower belly. The other day she had been taking a bath when her eyes had fallen over her naked body in the mirror of her bathroom, and there she could easily see that bulge protruding from her belly. Needless to say she had started crying and had almost put her mom into worry.

It had been a week of Massimo being here in California as well. Ever since that day in the parking lot of the hospital, Massimo had not let go off even a single chance of approaching Maya. He had even forced his way into Maya's appointment with her gynaecologist. No matter how much she had wanted him not to go with her, she had no other choice but to let him accompany her, because legally he was the father of the baby and had all the rights.

So, Maya unfortunately had to agree with him, but she had warned him not to do anything that would annoy her and just mind his own business. But obviously Massimo had to do exactly the opposite of that.

The entire time, right from the beginning Massimo had made sure to let everyone know that he was the father of the baby. Not even Maya's side eye and glares had stopped Massimo from touching and caressing her hand, her cheeks and even her belly.

At one point Maya had almost yelled at him but the look he had given her when the doctor had announced about the due date, Maya couldn't manage to let out a word as he gave her protruding belly a gentle caress and had smiled warmly at her. A smile that Maya had never seen him given to anyone before. Needless to say, that smile had shut her up.

Maya had clearly understood what Massimo had been trying to do. If things hadn't been so messed up between them, they probably would've looked like a normal couple. But unfortunately they had been not.


"I think I should start doing some yoga now." Maya said to her co-nurse. "I mean I still have around 6 months, but if I start now then by that time I'll be more flexible."

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now