Thirty-Eight | L |

228 12 10

(More Mature Content!

This one feels a bit off to me, so I'm sorry ahead of time.)

Despite the impromptu roadhead, Elijah made you wait, getting out of the car and opting to carry you into the house like a gentleman. Where the RT600 models had gone, he wasn't sure, but he had the sneaking suspicion that they'd made themselves scarce for the night. "Vi, I need to ask," the male spoke up, an odd expression lining his features. "You, uh... swallowed. Where did that go and what are you doing with it?"

"If you are concerned about your seed in my hardware, Elijah, it is being treated like any other foreign substance. I can get rid of it at my convenience, or I can incorporate it with the thirium already in my system."

"Sexy talk, awesome." Chuckling, your date shook his head. "Considering I created you, you'd think I'd know all your functions. But this new body is so much more advanced." Settling you down on the living room couch, Eli crossed his arms. "What happens if you incorporate it into your thirium?"

"Thirium 310 has a pH high enough to render nearly all other substances ineffective. Within days, it will be as if I never ingested you." Your smile was gentle; your words, not so much. "You've never tested thirium with semen, but according to tests done by the androids developed for the Eden Club, it is harmless to us."

The tall human sighed, shaking his head in a mildly amused manner. "Yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. Sex androids for the public to use." It was so... demeaning.

"Yet you have an android patiently waiting for that same treatment," came your voice, settling deep into his mind. "The only difference is that this is not a transaction, but a gesture of physical devotion."

The male's approach was slow, languid steps taken just to get close enough to lean over your place on the sofa. "Physical devotion and a hands-on experiment in what this body of yours can... handle," he murmured, each syllable brushing his lips against the skin, just beneath your ear. The wires in your hardware sparked, offering a lovely numbing wave down your body.


"Oh, luce mia, don't you know by now? Moaning my name will get you everything you want." Eli's kiss was mere feathery contact, and your quiet whimper was half in desperation. "Remember when we got pierced, and I turned back into the shop to ask some questions?" When you nodded, he went on. "It was about getting a tongue piercing. And now that you're reacting properly to stimulation..." Your creator's tongue unfurled, tracing the outer edge of your ear so the metal could be felt. "How's that ache, gorgeous?"

"V-very... persistent..." you gasped, your grip on the cushion beneath you like iron. Eyes half-lidded, you barely caught him sinking to his knees in front of you, your fuel pump pounding harder than ever.

"I'll go slow, like I promised. I want you to feel everything, so stop me if it's too much for you." Only when you nodded did the human lean in again, capturing your unbearably soft lips in a kiss. Like before, your chin was taken and gently pulled; at least now you knew what to expect when his tongue slid and worked against your own. The barbell was obvious now, and a moan escaped his throat when you explored the foreign metal.

Hands took hold of his head again, pulling your date closer still. With one easy snap, the hair band was broken, and Elijah's dark locks cascaded down one side of his head. Now his hair was free to grasp, your fingers entangling themselves and tugging the roots every time the ache pulsed.

Motion caught your attention: the male was in the midst of undoing the waistcoat. Your gentle hold on his wrists made him pause, eyebrow raising. "May I?" His hands lowered again, giving you free reign to remove the tailored piece yourself.

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon