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"You are going to sell me out?" Your voice cut through the tension in the air, making all three males whip around to face you. Eyes lowering as you came closer, you added, "Is there no other way?"

"I--" Markus began, but fell quiet, realizing that that was exactly what he was doing. "... I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't be--"

"Hold on," the lone human interrupted. He did not sound happy in the slightest, but the whole situation was the opposite of happy. "I'll... I'll go with you. He didn't say shit about what would happen if more than one person showed up with her, right? So..." Gavin gestured vaguely to the RK200. "You ask for... that declaration or whatever, and... I ask for something to throw him off. Simple as that."

"That plan is asking to backfire," Connor murmured, eyebrows knit close. "And I see no purpose in giving in to his demands. It does not matter if the city realizes there are two Elijah Kamskis, we must treat the replica for what he is: a threat."

"And if we just wait around and do sweet fuck all, what happens, Con? Huh?!" Reed began to pace, hands in his hair as he tried to reason with his own intentions. "Look, we're not actually giving in to what he fucking wants, okay? Robo-Jesus over here wants your people to be treated as equals. Fine. But I'm just trying to buy us time, Connor. We need as much time as we can get. I don't know what Eli will be able to do once he gets here, but I hope to fuckin' God it stops his ass."

It was absolutely NOT a solid plan, but it was the only one they really had at the moment. Gavin wanted to go with you and Markus alone, but the RK800 vehemently refused to be left behind. "Con, look, I know you don't like us trying to stall, but--"

"I am going with you, and that is final." The detective prototype crossed his arms, warm eyes flicking in your direction as if hoping you would back him up. "I will remain out of sight, should things escalate. I can contact the precinct at a moment's notice." When the human sighed and tried to walk away, his arm was grabbed. "Do not leave me behind, Gavin," Connor warned. "You will find that I am as stubborn as you are."

Gray eyes closed, silently cursing himself. "... fine, fuck. Fine. But stay back and out of sight."

[ 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 ]

He drove most of the way to CyberLife, parking the car somewhere near the property before all four of you emerged. The RK800 lingered behind, opting to find a side route while you walked between the human and Markus.

[This suddenly seems like a terrible idea.]

Now Markus wanted to have second thoughts? [Be that as it may, Gavin is right. We must stall for time until Elijah returns.]

[And what then? What can he do against a replica who may be unstable?]

[That does not matter. If worse comes to worse, I will do what I can to disable him.]

Those two-toned eyes gazed at you, betraying his concern. But it was soon replaced by horror as the three of you stepped into the pristine white lobby of CyberLife.

Or at least, it was once pristine white. Now there were corpses littering the floor and surrounding surfaces, pools of both red and blue blood staining the tiles and making Reed's stomach churn. "Jesus Christ..." he moaned, "all of them...?!"

"Okay, we need to do this and quick," the RK200 spoke up. "Where would he be waiting?"

[Where would an android built to act as Elijah Kamski be waiting for me?]

All at once you hoped that you would not come across one last body as you led the others towards the elevator.

[ 01001101 01100101 ]

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