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This has to be it. HAS to be. I just don't fucking know how to apply it properly.

In the glass beaker was a brilliant blue-colored liquid, which your creator swirled around a little as he peered at it silently. It had taken dozens of different compositions, all of them using some amount of what he'd dubbed thirium, but Eli only knew for sure that thirium was conductive and incredibly versatile with electronics.

[Is there anything I can do?] Your gentle tone came softly into his earpiece, so as to avoid interrupting the rest of his team with your conversation.

"Maybe. I'm... shit, I'm so damn close, Vi. I know I am. The computer components I've tested with thirium have been flawless, I just..." With a loud groan, Elijah rubbed his face, glasses askew.

[This composition you have labeled as Thirium 310 is fluid and easily accepted in electronics. The communication between devices using this composition is a vast improvement when compared to electricity. I believe this chemical is a key component you could use in an android's complex system.]

"When you say vast improvement, what was the end result of the last test run?"

[Thousands, Elijah.]

Blue eyes wide, he set the beaker down before he dropped it out of sheer dumbassery. "Okay. Okay, great, so... this stuff I've been messing with actually works better than even I anticipated."

[You don't seem happy with this development. Thirium 310 is an incredible step forward, Eli.]

"Yeah, but... I mean, thanks, Vi. I just..." He groaned, sinking into the seat behind him. "The problem is... I just don't know how I could get it to actually make an android function. There would be so many different working parts, and thirium would be fantastic for making those pieces communicate. I just don't fucking know how."

[For an android's body, which you desire to look as human as possible, you would need enough thirium to flow through the entirety.] There were a few long seconds of quiet contemplation. [I suppose it would have to function similarly to your circulatory system.]

In the process of cleaning the lenses in his frames, the young male lifted his head to eye you in his monitor, eyebrows knit tightly. "Circulatory system. Like... an android's... blood."

[In theory, yes. That sort of system would send the thirium to every part simultaneously, which would ideally power the android's functions and allow it to operate without stuttering or lagging.]

"Yeah, but that would mean it would need some kind of... heart." There was a moment of nothing, the human immobile, before yanking open a desk drawer and pulling out rolled-up blueprints, laying them all flat on an empty table hurriedly.

Heart. Something to regulate the flow of thirium. But it would reach every piece, and that would eliminate the need for other power sources...

"...... oh my God," was all Elijah mumbled before he began to run around, gathering various pieces of equipment and the failed tests from the past two years.

Screen flashing, your expression was lined with concern. [Elijah?!]


[ 01010110 01001001 ]

This is a thousand times better than fuckin' high school graduation.

Sure, he was in the front row because of his height, but that was perfectly fine with him. Gavin stood straight like his fellow graduates, feeling an emotion he wasn't used to having: pride. But not the arrogant kind, no; the younger sibling felt like he was doing something right at last.

It wasn't all that hard to listen to Sergeant Anderson's speech; the guy had a rough and commanding tone of voice. He was built like a fucking tank, too. But Gavin couldn't help but scan the audience for his family, keeping his expression in check when he found them. Of course, with his Mom in her wheelchair, she was easy to spot when she needed access to separate doors and such.

His ceremonial uniform was sharp, though he wasn't a fan of the damn white gloves. Still, he removed his hat, holding it to his chest with the others as the ceremony slowly came to a close. Even through his oath, a small part of the young man's head went into its own place, but for only one sole reason:

This is it. I finally did something with my damn life, I'm doing something good. And... goddamnit I'm happy with myself.

Before he ran to his family, Gavin paused to speak with Sergeant Anderson, unable to keep the stupid grin from forming. "You're not from around here, are you, son?" Hank asked quietly, a kind smile that eased the terrifying stature.

"No, Sergeant, my family and I moved here a couple of years ago."

With a nod, he shook Gav's hand with both of his own. "I've seen your performances, myself. I'm impressed. Looking forward to seeing what you can really do, Officer Reed."

Holy shit.

"Thank you, sir, I'll try not to make an ass of myself," he replied with a vague grin.

Lucky for him, Hank threw his head back and cackled. With a slap on the back, he sent Gavin on his way... which meant his gray eyes sought his family and made a beeline for them.

Expectedly he dropped to his knees to give his mother a good, proper embrace, face buried into her shoulder as she rubbed his back. "Sweetheart, we are so proud of you," she exclaimed. "Oh my God, my boys are growing up so fast..."

"Mom, don't cry, c-c'mon..." Damn tears. By the time Rebekah had let him go, Gavin had to dry his eyes with something that wasn't his uniform.

"You'll make a hell of an officer, Gavin," Carl added gently, smiling as he shook the younger sibling's hand. "I know you're not blood, but... I hope you don't mind that I'd consider both you and Elijah as sons, myself."

"I-- jeez, I mean... thank you, Mr. Manfred," he replied, pale eyes a little wider. "I mean, I'm honored, sir."

"Bah! None of that sir guff. Hate that. Just Carl, please."

"Noted," Gav grinned, finally turning to his brother, who was removing his glasses carefully and handing them to someone who was probably his date.

A moment passed with neither brother reacting. Then Gavin damn near tackled Eli, who returned the hug just as hard. "So, so proud of you, you fucking loser," your creator mumbled, voice mildly unsteady.

"Thanks, you fucking nerd," the younger male replied, his grip like iron. To say that the pair were close was an understatement. Half a minute passed before he added, "Girlfriend?"

The lack of an answer was concerning. Eli slowly released his hold on his brother, stepping aside with a strange, knowing grin on his face.

Coming closer, you smiled gently, watching Gavin's features slowly piece everything together. Your LED indicator was really the only thing setting you apart from the others around you, but it was your violet eyes that he recognized first. "I am proud of you as well, Gavin. I'm happy to see you again."

If he had embraced his family like iron, the hold Gavin Reed had on you was something closer to death. You were clung to and spun around while he let out a noise that was startlingly close to a shout. "Oh my fucking God!!! Vi, Jesus Christ, is... it's actually you?!"

As you were set back down, your smile widened by a fraction. "Yes, Gavin, it's me."

"We finally did it, Gav," Elijah explained, grinning wide now. "About a week and a half ago, actually. It was like... the puzzle came together on its own. I was gonna tell you then, but your graduation was coming, so..." He shrugged. "Surprise?"

"Surprise?! Dude, I just shat bricks!"

"Gavin!!" Rebekah scolded.

"Sorry, Mom. I mean I just shat rocks."

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