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Goddamnit, why does it have to be fucking snowing?!

Yet at the end of the day, the snow was a minor obstacle. The fact that he could drive at all was a miracle, his grip on the steering wheel hard enough to shatter bones. Elijah kept wanting to squirm, but knew that it was his anxiety and fear causing his restlessness.

The adrenaline was enough for him to ignore the pain in his legs.

Vi, Gav... I'm coming. I promise, I'm coming. Just... Fuck, stay safe. Please.

For a brief moment he cursed himself; creating an android replica of himself was by far the most idiotic plan he could have had. It seemed like a fine idea: send the EK1000 for a little while to take care of things in his stead. He didn't want anyone to worry, after all. So he'd designed his duplicate with the utmost care, and had programmed its devotion to you to the highest degree. The only thing Elijah wanted was a daily report.

But those reports quickly grew concerning. They'd turned from thorough, standard android responses to near-obsessive rants. The EK1000 had deviated with startling speed, and the devotion had corrupted, amplified to a magnitude that the creator feared.

The day he didn't receive a report, Eli had had enough: he contacted you and begged you to hide with Gavin.

He could only hope that he wasn't too late.

[ 01010100 01101001 ]

Through the eyes of everyone present, it wasn't all that unusual to see Elijah Kamski stroll into the Stratford Tower that evening. He was known to visit on occasion, usually accompanied by an android on his arm. This time, he was alone, but no one thought to question him.

In the elevator, the EK1K bore no expression, his face devoid of emotion. For an android, this was typical. For Elijah Kamski, this was also typical. All the replica needed to do was offer a vague smile, and he had the meatbags eating out of his hands.

He stepped out of the elevator and went directly to the nearby desk, explaining his intentions with that smile. The receptionist nodded and, of course, notified his superiors about their impromptu guest before granting him entry. The android ensured nothing was out of place physically, if only to solidify his appearance, before walking through the set of double doors.

If either news anchor were surprised to have Kamski as a last-minute guest, they were too professional to show it. Hands behind his back, "Elijah" joined them as though it were the most natural thing to him.

Both anchors were trying to stick to their schedule, exchanging pleasantries with him in a slightly hurried manner. Lucky for them, the replica held up a hand to settle them both. "I am aware that this is quite the surprise for you both, but I wanted to ensure that everyone in the city has the same opportunity that I'm about to provide."

Those piercing blue eyes locked onto the camera, silently forcing it to focus on him and him alone. Connected to the broadcast, the EK1000 overrode whatever else was playing in the city. Every single screen had his face, that vague smile never reaching his eyes.

"Good evening, Detroit. I believe that, by now, everyone watching this broadcast knows who I am, and what I have provided for you. True, not everyone is content with it, but that is why I'm here now." The smile widened by a fraction, his gaze glinting. "Somewhere in the city limits is a very unique android. Perhaps you've seen her by my side at one point in time. She is the epitome of perfection, and I have hidden her in Detroit. The only android without a proper model number, and the only one with violet eyes.

The first being that finds her and brings her to me at CyberLife wins. Now here are the contest rules: Do not damage her. Do not deactivate her. There is no time limit, but she will run. I have implemented this into her programming as a challenge to all of you.

Now, you may be wondering: why? What's the prize? What could Elijah Kamski himself offer to the person that finds his special android and brings her to him? Anything you could possibly dream of." Now the smile spread wide, but it was far from welcoming. "Find the Queen Bee and return her to her mechanical hive. Happy hunting."

[ 01101101 01100101 ]

"Well, that's fucking stupid." Arms crossed over his chest, Gavin stared at the large television on the first floor of Carl's home. "All that does is tell me that we'll be fine here. Vi's hiding, no one would know she's even here."

"That may very well be the case," Connor added, unable to take his eyes off of the screen. "If the human population is searching for her, we are relatively secluded here." A lopsided smile spread on his face. "Gavin, this was a brilliant plan."

"There's just one problem with it." To their surprise, it was Markus who looked grim. "What will happen when the real Kamski shows up?"

Fuck. "I... shit." Hand running through his hair, the shorter male's mouth pressed thin as he thought it over. "... I'd like to think people will just be confused, but he might get accosted somehow in public. And I don't fuckin' know his condition right now."

"How far away is the facility?" The RK800 turned to the other two, fully prepared to start creating escape routes.

"A few hours. I think he said around four or maybe five, I dunno. Look, the point is that he's close. I'll give it maybe another hour before he tries calling Vi." His scruffy face gradually turned to horror. "He'll head this way. And anyone that sees him is gonna follow, and they'll know she's here. Fuck!"

"There has to be something else that can be done," the RK200 reasoned. "This replica is basically promising anything to whoever gets her to CyberLife. It's obvious that he cares, somehow, if he doesn't want her damaged. But--......"

The way the android suddenly trailed off concerned the other two deeply. "Dude? Can you not go quiet like you just remembered you left the oven on or something?"

"I'll take her," Markus spoke up. "I can sneak her to CyberLife, she'll be fi--"

"The fuck you will!" Reed tried to advance on the deviant leader, but Connor grasped his shoulder to keep him at bay. "You really think just handing her over to that fucking asshole will do anything except piss me off, buddy?! Think again! You don't give in to the fucking demands of these kinds of people; he said there's no time limit, so we wait it out!"

"And then what? The real Elijah shows up, what can he do from here? The replica is waiting; if he grows impatient, we don't know what he's capable of." Those dual-colored eyes closed, the RK200 visibly stressed and disliking what he was intending to do. "... I know that it's a fake, but we're the only ones who know. And until the creator comes back to put a stop to this, that android is seen as him." Markus frowned deeply. "I don't want to put anyone in danger, Vi or anyone else. But if I get her to CyberLife, then... I can ask the replica to demand equal rights for my people. Especially since that includes him."

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