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The sensation of having your creator's hands holding yours was the only thing preventing you from shutting down. But your solid red indicator was worrisome regardless, and Elijah gathered both of your hands into one of his, holding them to his chest while he cupped the side of your neck. "V-Vi, Vi, it's all right. You don't need to say anything, I promise you. You're okay. I just had to get it out in the open; please..." His voice broke the tiniest amount. "Please don't be upset."

Upset? "I am... not upset," you managed, pushing error messages out of your system. "I... I am sorry, this is not the response you desire, but I... I do not know how to feel." This time, when his thumb stroked your cheek, you could feel every little detail about the simple gesture. "Elijah, I care deeply about you. I always have. You have confessed multiple times that I am the most favored of your creations, and... you most certainly are my favorite being." Your jaw shook, but you pressed on. "I do not know what love is," came your whisper, "and I am afraid of hurting you."

It felt like his entire body was shaking. "... May I hold you, Vi?" Words failed you, so you merely gave a nod of consent. Pulling you close and against him seemed to give him some strength, at least. Your head laid against his chest, his heartbeat soothing you like a lullaby. "You know... most of us don't know what love is, either. And there's no right answer for it. There's different kinds of love, but... I think that's an emotion that's going to take some time for you to understand." Eli's laugh was short and dry. "Hell, I don't even know for sure. All I know is that... I want to build a world where people can see someone the way I see you. Because fuck, I am so... happy."

Happiness, you knew. "As am I," you murmured.

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

A few minutes passed before you found yourself back in Elijah's car, the human driving to an unknown destination. The grin on his face wasn't wide, but it was constant. "So I've got a couple of small ideas, but the main one won't happen until later." There was a small pause in which you were glanced at. "You okay with spending the entire day with me?"

"Of course, Elijah." Hell, there was a soft smile on your face, too.

Leave it to me to be attracted to something I designed. God, I'm a fucking egomaniac.

The next place happened to be the art gallery downtown, and your head tilted as you gazed at the exterior. "Mr. Manfred has a good deal of his work on display here."

"He does, but I never found the time to actually see it." A hand was offered and gladly taken. "Now I do, and I'm glad you're with me."

Fingers lacing with your own, the tall male guided you inside the gallery. It was, of course, free to the public, except in the case of special events. As you stepped inside, it was as if the drone of the outside world came to silence, a hush falling upon the gallery as the patrons took in the art of a beauty-starved city.

Carl's paintings were bold and massive, and while you both enjoyed his techniques, there was a variety of other pieces to experience.

At one point you pulled away from Elijah altogether, drawn by a sculpture in the center of the second floor. It was made of scrap metal; rust was a prominent color as you slowly stepped around it to view every angle. Whether or not the work was intended to be religious was left to the viewer, but the rusted metal had been bent and twisted, wired and soldered in a humanesque form. The arms were outstretched, head bent down a touch. For the sake of stability, a good deal of the supporting metal was at the back, but placed in a way to make the sculpture unified, almost one with the pile of scrap beneath it.

"That's one way to recycle metal," Eli's low tones came into your right ear, gazing at the metalwork with admiration. "... I can see why you're glued to this one."

You stepped around a little, locating the placard on a little stand at the front of the piece. "Uprising," you spoke.

"That's the title? Mm. Metal rising up to form its own creation." He chuckled, arms crossing. "Guess that makes two of us who are intrigued, Vi."

"This feels... terribly coincidental," came your reply. "As an android, viewing an art piece involving a human figure made of non-living components..." Your arms cupped your elbows, in a rather unusual gesture: you were overcome with electrical pulses that were numbing your extremities in chilled ways.

Warm hands turned you towards your creator, who had removed his glasses to see you better up close. "If this is bothering you, we can leave."


"... yes, please, Elijah."

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

It was still daylight, and there were a good few hours before he could whisk you away to the top of the Stratford Tower. But as the two of you continued down the sidewalk, your head abruptly turned towards him: the gently startled expression said enough. "Elijah, I can hear your stomach growling. I also know that you've skipped breakfast this morning. Was this intentional again?"

Sheepish, the male mumbled, "Way to call me out. And no, I genuinely forgot."

After being kissed out of nowhere, breakfast was the last thing on my mind...

"Then we will find a restaurant nearby so you can obtain sustenance. There are several options in a half-mile radius from our current location; I will organize them vases on whatever criteria you request. Elijah, are you listening to me?" As you spoke, his gaze was drawn to another business, giving zero indication that he'd heard you. So you followed his eyes and consequently tilted your head. "A barber shop?"

That vague grin again. "What did you say earlier about my hair? Something about shaving some of it off?"

"An undercut, yes."

Nothing more was said; your hand was simply taken before he guided you into the barber's.

Five minutes passed and you were seated alone near the front, waiting politely for Eli to be done. His glasses had been given for safekeeping, and you messaged Chloé in the meantime. [Is all well? I do not know when we will return, I apologize.]

[Take all the time you need to, please. And yes, everything has been scheduled for the model releases. I will give Elijah the agenda when this week has been completed.]

[Perfect, thank you. Will you be needing transport home?]

[Miss Vi, with all due respect, no more messaging me while Elijah wishes to spend time with you. Have fun! ♡]

"You know, I still struggle with seeing you be completely still. Then again, we humans are incredibly fidgety beings." Snapping your head to face your creator, your cheeks began to heat up out of mild embarrassment for not paying attention.

[..... o-oh...]

... but your face just continued to burn the longer you soaked him in.

It was incredible, what a change of style could do for one person. Eli had opted for the undercut like you suggested, and the top section was tied back again. "I know what you're thinking," he added, azure eyes glinting, "it's strange seeing me all baby-faced like this. I didn't have them shave it entirely, but it's trimmed down. I forgot I have a chin," the human added, chuckling low.



"...... Vi?"

"--F-forgive me! I... I had... an error.... a-again...." For the first time, he was seeing you actually squirm. "Y-you... l-look much more... mature, Elijah. I... o-oh, my..."

What the hell is wrong with her?

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